27. Date

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So, what I did this whole morning is going through my brothers closets. I've taken many clothes I liked. Thankfully all my brothers have almost the same size of clothes.

'They are going to be king kong in future.'

Only one closet is left to inspect.

I'm standing outside Luciano's room.

I gulped, took a deep breath and knocked.

Few seconds later, he opened the door, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

'Cute kid?'

"Hey, Luca."

"What do you want?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. 'Rude.'

"Let me come in first. I'll explain." I said sweetly.

"No. You're not allowed in my room." He said giving my shoulder a slight push.

"How rude!!" I exclaimed. "This is how you treat your sister?"

"Yeah." He said giving me another push. He was smirking now.

"Do that again, I dare you." I said through gritted teeth.

And he did that again.

Suddenly I lunged towards him and grabbed his hair.

"You moron, I'm trying to be polite here and you are challenging me? Say goodbye to the world." I said.

He stumbled trying to get rid of me.

"Get off, you leech." He said.
"You gorilla."
"You, lizard."
"You cockroach."
"You fly." He said.

"Ok." I said and jumped from him to the bed.

"Safe landing. Phew. It's getting easier to fly day by day." I said waving my hands.

Luca glared at me.

"Get.Out." He growled.

"Listen to me first." I said pleadingly.

I told him about the reason for this.

"I don't have time to shop, so I'm borrowing clothes from you." I said.

"Fine." He grumbled. "Take what you want and get out."

"Okay." I said cheerfully.

I found a cool grey jacket in his closet. It was worth fighting with him.

I walked out of the closet to see him sleeping. I smirked.

I took the most heavy jackets and coats I could find in his closet and went back to him.

I put them in a pile over his head, picked up my clothes and ran outside.

He screamed so loud after that.


'Totally worth it.'
I chuckled.

It was almost four and I was sitting in the living room when the bell rang.

I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey, sweetheart." Drake said.

"Hey." I said and started dragging him to my room.

He was wearing a white T-shirt with black ripped jeans and white sneakers. He was wearing a long coat too.

'Good job, brother.' I thought.

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