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Zack's POV

What just happened?

She just told me indirectly that she likes me. I wanted to die of happiness. I was feeling happy and sad at the same time.

I remember when I saw her the first time. She flipped a guy and beat him. She looked so cool and dangerous. I would always notice her walking through the corridors with her brothers, laughing and joking around everytime, pranking others. She was the first girl that ever caught my attention. I always glanced at her during all my classes with her.

Not that she had to try to gain attention. She already had this aura around her that caught everyone's attention and made them more and more interested in her.

My heart started beating fast whenever I saw her. Her smile and laugh are so addicting. I wanted to talk to her, be friends with her but she had this whole army of brothers around her, ready to kill the guy who even looked at her.

I may have asked the chemistry teacher to pair me up with her. I was so arrogant and rude, I always told her not to pair me up with anyone. She was shocked when I requested to be paired with nerdy but she heeded my request and well, here we are.

I love fighting with her. I love her snarky remarks. I was falling for her more and more each day. She was too naive and innocent to know that. She couldn't even know if she likes someone.

We grew close, by the week at the mansion. I found out that our grandparents are best friends. I was glad she chose me to talk to. It was hard for me too. I couldn't see her cry. I wanted her to be happy and cheerful forever. But she had some demons bothering her till now.

I was in tears when I heard the actual thing she was hiding. That one thing could've taken her away from me before she even entered my life.

She says she can't lose me. I can't lose her either. I want her to be with me forever. To fight with me, play games with me, steal my food as she always does, but she always shares.

I was trying hard not to show my feelings to her. I liked her since we first bumped into each other. I tried my best to gain her attention. I haven't dated a single girl since she came.

I thought I didn't deserve her. She was smart and kind. She didn't want anyone sad around her. She keeps bottling her own feelings and regrets so it doesn't bother others around her. That's not a good thing. She topped the class. I tried to keep up with her and show her that I deserve her. I can be at her level.

I know, I was rude to her in the beginning. I was trying to figure out my feelings. I never fell for any girl before. My ego told me to stand my ground and act like she doesn't matter to me. But that became harder with each passing day. I couldn't help but adore her, compliment her sometimes, care for her. But I loved fighting with her so I didn't let that change. I don't know what she had, that caught my attention. But she is different. She is unique.

She told me about those guys at the orphanage. I couldn't help but feel jealous and insecure.

When she played with the little kids, she looked so happy and childish. Not gonna lie, she looked cuter than the kids. I was on cloud nine when the little girls said she was my wife. I was so happy, I wanted to dance.

But she was really getting on my nerves now. I didn't know if she really likes me back or not. I was so frustrated. I wanted to know.

I decided to try and see if she gets jealous of other girls around me. I asked Lina to act like we were dating. I asked her to just do whatever I say. I just wanted to introduce her as my girlfriend, then see what nerdy says. After introducing her, we would end the act, that's what we decided, but she took it too far.

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