11. Apology

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I woke up early the next morning, did my morning business and went downstairs. As assumed, no one was awake. My stomach was grumbling loudly.

I entered the kitchen, only to find my sworn enemy, drinking something.... green? I faked a gag.

'Food poisoning was written on the drink.'

I ignored him and made my way to the fridge. I could feel him burning holes on the back of my head.

I got milk from the fridge, turned around to see Luciano, towering over me. I jumped, then glared at him.

"Ummm...." He started. "I know I suck at this, but.... I'm sorry. I couldn't accept the sudden arrival of a sister. I just couldn't believe I have a sister. That's why I kept making theories in my mind. But when I saw your similarities with Nathan, I don't even need a DNA test to prove that you are my sister." He said, all in one breath, having difficulty in saying the keywords.

I tried not to laugh. My face turned red from holding back laughter. But to my bad luck, a few giggles escaped.

"Why are you laughing?" Luciano growled, turning red.

I shook my head. "Is it that hard to say two words?"

Luciano glared at me.

"You know what, forget I said anything. I am not talking to you." He said, walking away.

Then, an idea popped into my mind.

"You sure, you're gonna do that? If yes, you are so going to regret it." I shouted.

"Yeah, Right." He shouted back.

Without another thought, I ran behind him. When I caught up, I stood before him blocking his way.

"What?" He growled, glaring at me.

'Woah!! Terrifying.'

Suddenly, I latched myself onto him like a koala, with my arms wrapped around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist.

He stumbled, but quickly gained his composure.To my surprise, he smirked.

"I'm going to throw you in the swimming pool." He said.

"I'm going to tighten my grip." I smirked back.

Just then I heard the sound of a camera shutter.I turned to see everyone was there.

But me being my stubborn self, ignored them and tightened my grip.

"What's happening?" Nathan asked.

I looked to the others and some of them were looking jealous?

"He's not talking to me and he's trying to ignore me. It's his fault." I said.

"She laughed at my apology. It's her fault." He said.

"What?" Dad asked. "Why'd you do that?"

"He was having a hard time saying it." I said. Dad glared at me. "I swear I tried to hold it back."

"Are you getting off now? What do you even eat?" Luciano asked.

"Food?" I replied innocently.

"Get off." He growled.

"Say, you are talking to me and you will not ignore me." I said.

"Fine. I'm talking to you and I will not ignore you." He said hesitantly.

I Jumped off of him immediately.

"Ok, big bro, I'm going to eat.... Food." I said sarcastically.

I heard everyone laugh behind me.

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