37. Nightmares

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I jumped up and walked to the door.

I walked out to see my brothers and father coming out of kitchen.

I poked my tongue out at them.

Luciano was glaring at me.

"We are going out." Grandpa announced and made his way towards the door.

I poked my tongue out and started dancing.

They looked amused at my actions.

I swear I saw Elonzo smile.

Luca took a step forward and I ran outside as fast as I could.

Grandpa was already in the back seat of the car.

I sat beside him.

We reached McDonald's quickly.

I was eating my fries and burger when grandpa spoke.

"You know, my love story wasn't like those princess stories. It wasn't like, Once upon a time, a prince met a beautiful young lady. Nah, none of that."

"She broke my nose the first time I met her in school. She was a fierce one. She hated me. I was her sworn enemy. She fought with me everyday and ended up falling in love with me."

"Did you hate her?" I asked.

"No. Not really. I don't know. I mean when she broke my nose, I kept thinking of her everytime. I started noticing her more. I loved annoying her." He said. His eyes were distant.

He was smiling like he was reliving those moments.

"Grandpa?" I called.

He snapped out of his thoughts.

"Your food is getting cold." I said pointing to his plate.

"Ohhh, yeah." He said and started eating.

"Invite that Smith guy to the party." Grandpa said.

I was shocked.

"What? Your sons and grandsons are gonna kill him." I said.

"Don't worry. I'll be there." He said. "Ask him to stay there for some days. I'll manage the attendance."

"Okay." I nodded, my eyebrows furrowed.

We sat back in the car and drove off. On my way home, I saw a building with many childish paintings and a small playground before it. I noticed it for the first time. I've passed through here a lot of times.

Grandpa dropped me home. I entered and saw all the boys sitting in the living room.

"Grandpa said there's no need to avoid him." I said smiling too broad.

They didn't look shocked.

Elonzo motioned me to follow him.

I was excited.

Finally, some time with my eldest brother.

Even if it means listening to his lecture, then arguing, then sitting in the corner for disrespecting him.

I was grinning too broadly that my cheeks hurt.

"Sit." He said as we entered his office.

I quickly sat down.

"Now that you are not on bed rest. I want to make some things clear. You are never to sneak out again. You already did it two times before. You put yourself in danger both times and the second time, you almost.... You know everything." He said trying not to remember that again.

The Missing PieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora