7. New Life

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I pushed the bed aside, and reached for it. It was a box. But why was it hidden?

I picked up the box and opened it. My eyes widened.

There were pictures of the family from many years back. There were books and diaries and letters. Oh I forgot, Mom used to write.

I heard Elonzo's voice asking me to hurry up. I picked up the box and put it with my stuff. When I went downstairs I saw the house was empty. They were moving all the stuff to the storage unit at the new house.

The car ride was silent. I loathe silence. But it was the first time, I was liking it. One, because I didn't have the energy to talk. Two, I didn't want to talk to this person.

I fell asleep for the first time after the dreadful news.

I was still half-asleep when I started hear whispers .

"Aww, she looks so cute." a voice said.

"Shut up, you dumbsack. What's cute in sleeping? She looks like a potato."

'Huh? Potato? You need eyes real urgent, man.'

"But why does Elonzo get to carry her and not me?" A voice whined." She's cuddling him too."

'what?' My eyes shot open.

"Look, you woke her up. Idiot." A voice said.

I looked around to see that Elonzo was carrying me and I had my arms around his neck. And six people were watching me. I jumped from his arms and looked around.

I was in a freaking palace. There were double spiral staircases. I could see other rooms from where I was standing.

"Did you sleep well?" My father asked.

I nodded.

"Lets sit in the living room then." He said. With this, everyone headed towards the living room.

When we were all seated. My father began, "So, Evelina, we did not have a proper introduction before. So let me introduce you to everyone." He said, then started pointing.

"Elonzo, he's 23."
"Marco, he's 22"
"Will, he's 20"
"Luciano, he's 17"
"Ryder and Tyler, they're 16"

I nodded and looked at them one by one.

Elonzo is 23 and has Dark Brown hair and green eyes.

Marco is 22, he has dirty blond hair and brown eyes.

Will is 20 with light brown hair and green eyes.

Luciano is 17 and dark brown hair with matching eyes.

Then the twins,Ryder and Tyler,16 had dirty blond hair with green eyes.

Then my eyes met Luciano's and he glared at me.

I gulped, someone's not happy to have me here....

I looked around the room. There were large windows covered with Velvet curtain on one wall. A large TV on the other. Paintings were hanging on the other walls. It was modern and warm.

There were two L-shaped sofa and a recliner in the middle. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone called out my name.

"So evelina, how was your life back with your Mom?" Marco asked.

'Why the hell is he referring to her like that? I so want to reply coldly.'

'But that's not how Mom raised you. Just let it slide once.'

'But still, it was there fault my Mom suffered.'

'You don't know the full story.'

"Perfect." I replied. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I just stared at the wall.

"I mean, it couldn't be any better. I had a loving Mom, almost the whole school was my friend, I was living my life like any normal teenager." I said.

"Ok, we don't know what your life was before." Elonzo's cold voice stated.

"As you will live here now, I want you to keep something in mind. No alcohol or drugs. No revealing clothes and absolutely no boyfriend." He said, everyone nodded in agreement.

Elonzo was sitting right opposite me.

I just stared at him for a minute.

'Who the hell does he think he is? He is a nobody to me. I will not tolerate him having authority over me.'

I curled by hand into fists and opened it again and repeated the process to calm down.

I keep my elbows on my knees and my knuckles below my chin and stared at him.

'He intimidates me, but anger can lead me to do the extreme.'

"First, I absolutely loathe alcohol and drugs. Second, I have my wardrobe filled with hoodies and jeans. No crop tops, No shorts or skirts, No dresses. I hate revealing clothes. Unlike your brothers, who love to stare at girls wearing even slightly revealing clothes." I said, catching a glimpse towards Luciano, while doing so.

"Third, Guys are dumb. I don't want to be more than friends with them and have a headache. Being in a relationship, limits my freedom too. So I don't plan on being in a relationship anytime soon." I said.

"Now that we are discussing this, I don't want you staring at my friend, whatever she wears." I said, turning to Luciano. His jaw clenched.

"And rather than asking a girl to wear less revealing clothes and stay away from boys. You should teach your brothers not to stare at a girl." I said looking at Elonzo dead in the eye.

I turned back to stare at the wall. Everyone's mouths were hung open and they were staring at me like I had grown two heads.

"Pfft, you don't even know me and you think you can have authority on me." I said looking at Elonzo again.

His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched.

"You do not speak to me like that, little girl." He gritted. "Drop that attitude. They are your brothers too, so stop referring to them like that." He said.

"She was your mother too." I mumbled not looking away from the wall.

"The twins will show you your room." Dad said, his voice cold as ever.

"That's the best thing you've said till now." I said and got up.

The twins showed me my room. I went in and headed straight for bed. As soon as my head touch the pillow I was out like a light.

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