8. Incomplete

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I was keen on keeping my face expressionless and my gaze cold. Don't get me wrong, I am always cheerful and happy, joking around, pranking others, almost all students of the school love me.

Except some rivals, of course.

I don't get angry too often. But when I do, nobody should come in my way. Its like a volcano has erupted.

And now I'm way beyond angry. Just because of these people, me and my mom had to suffer. There were times, where my Mom was depressed. That phase was hard.

If they had tried to sort things out with Mom, I would have had a better childhood. I'm not being demanding here. My childhood was as fab as anyone could ask for. I had a loving mother, I joked around with anyone and everyone. I had many friends and my best friends by my side, life was perfect. But I felt incomplete.

I thought it was because of having only one parent. Now I think maybe because I was an only child. I didn't have any siblings. I felt incomplete, alone.

Now that I have a father and siblings, that feeling is still there somewhere. It still feels incomplete in this huge house.

As for my relation with this family, I need to get answers. I didn't want to bother Mom with my questioning. That's why I didn't ask her. But I need to find them myself.

I miss Mom. Life has become so complicated after she left. There are so many confusions. I feel there's more to the story than Mom told.

If my Dad was so desperate for a girl why didn't he bother inspect where the child was?

Everything is just complicated.

And I don't have the word 'complicated' in my dictionary because its too complicated to make its way to my simple life.

Ugh.. Thinking is too tiring. I'll just sleep.

That's what I did. It was just 8 when I slept.
I woke up to my stomach grumbling. I picked up my phone to see the time.
It was freaking 2 a.m. WHAT THE...??!!

Oh no!!! I got up at 'ghost-time'. Who knows what might be lurking in this huge mansion.

I raised my head to look around the room. Then I saw my leg on the corner of the bed. What if a hand creeped out from under my bed and grabbed my leg. Oh no!! I quickly pull the covers up my body and curled into a ball.

Minutes went by, and I AM FEELING HOT!!! I can't breathe, its too hot. I slowly crept through the bed not wanting anything to notice me . I reached out for my lamp.

HA!! Found it and turned it on.
HA!! What a relief! I sighed.

I got up and made my way to the hallway. Thank god the lights were on outside. My stomach grumbled again. I jumped.

'You scared me!!' I said in my mind. 'Now Shut up before I punch You.'

I quickly made my way to the kitchen.I opened the fridge. Got something to eat and sat on the floor, eating.

Ummm.... Food and I are best friends.

As soon as I finished eating, I made my way upstairs and slept.

I woke up with the sun rising. It was 4 in the morning. This is when I saw my room. Maybe I was too tired and upset at night to notice it. The room was huge with one wall, that is opposite to the one having the door. There were only glass windows on the whole wall and a balcony outside. Other two opposite walls had my bed along one and two doorways on the other.

I got up to explore. I have a freaking en-suite bathroom and a walk-in closet. I quickly had a bath, put on my sweatpants and a hoodie and went downstairs.

And the feeling was back.

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