Bulma said nothing after that. Sarada was completely right. After all she made it her mission to be stronger than any opponent that may come her way and she has been seeing it through. She is the strongest amongst them and because of that she hardly gets into fights. Bulma already knew she would not fight this guy unless she really needed to. She liked to give everyone else experience like that.

To think it had already been five years. Bulma sigh and fell back in the cloud. Holding true to her promise she did marry Sarada when she turned eighteen, despite the girl saying something about it being to soon. She sure as hell didn't resist much if at all. Bulma only then realized that Sarada apparently had no last name. No saiyan actually does. Frankly Bulma can't imagine the other with a last name so she just remained Sarada while she kept Bulma Brief. It was a simple thing really but Bulma hoped it helped Sarada rid herself of any doubt or anxiety she had.

As she lay there she picked up on an impressive ki level. She immediately knew that it was thus the King Piccolo. Maybe he could not hide his ki, unlike most. He'll be easy to locate. She noted that another smaller ki was heading towards the tournament. The ki wasn't pleasant. The was an evilness rolling off it.

"That was fast" Sarada seemed to have picked up on it as wel. She leaned forwards as if trying to spot this figure. "He already created minions and already sent one toward the tournament "

Sarada hummed. It would not be a problem. Her entire fsmily was there along with Chichi, Krillin, the perverted master and his girlfriend and Jun. Piccolo's minion will Not scceed in retrieving the dragon ball or killing anyone present.

She felt bad for the poor guy. He didn't even know what he stepped in.


Gine and Bardock were currently at the tournament and watching their son battle a cyclops. Or at least that's what Bardock called him. Bardock seemed very critical. That bald human was no where as strong as his son and yet Kakarot insists on dragging this fight out. He momentarily looked away when he felt his youngest scale his body and come to rest on his shoulder. The toddler was staring at the sky with a pensive expression even as she ate her cotton candy. It seems she had sensed it too . The ki is stronger than most. It was actually standing at 7000 if he had to give it a number. It wasn't the level that worried him buy the evilness he felt coming from it. He knew it made his wife uneasy, who shifted as she gazed at the sky.

"That feels very wrong" his daughter, Lotus noted as she sat down on his shoulder.

Gine nodded in agreement to her daughter. She also sensed Sarada and Bulma heading their way. It was very likely that they already knew of whoever was coming their way.

"Am I the only one who feels that? " Krillin appeared nearby, his voice shaky as he spoke. That aura sent a chill up his spine. He knew he shouldn't be so afraid seeing as they weren't as strong as the weird friends he has made, but the evilness was terrifying.

Chichi who was watching Kakarot have his fun also stared at the sky. She had a feeling that things were about to get very interesting.

"They're here" Krillin announced as he directed his gaze to the building he came out. He was there just a moment ago and it should be empty. However he sensed another presence within and something told him that was bad. Whoever was in there with the new arrival was in serious trouble. He had to do something , didn't he?

With that in mind he made a mad dash for the building. It was where the perliminaries had taken place and where he had to wait before his fight. He slid across the concrete stopping At the door and kicking it open. There he found the announcer cowering on the ground and a green creature with bat like wings hanging from the ceiling. Krillin almost flinched when his aura washed over him. That evilness he felt was coming from him. The creature chuckled darkly as he opened a brown sack, catching the four star ball that came out of it.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now