"Can you go into detail? "

"I'm not sure why. Normally I would say it's because you're the sub I this relationship, but that's obviously not true seeing as you have your moments" Sarada explained with a pensive look on her face.

"You think it has anything to do with her massive libido? " Kakarot suddenly added.

"This is none of your business " Bulma snapped at the boy and he quickly directed the cloud away.

"He brought up an interesting point. Then again you could just be like that because of your stronger craving"

"Then again you are teenagers" Kakarot butted in again.

"What did I say!? "

"You told me we shouldn't be butting in and yet here you are" Chichi pointed out to the boy.

"Fine" Kakarot let his cloud drift away again.

"Welp, I don't know. It is how it is" Sarada said with a non comital shrug. "Deal with it"

"Oh I want to deal with it alright, but you won't let me" Bulma accused.

"Why am being accused of such a thing? I am being a responsible teenager who surprisingly has great control over her urges. I commend myself" Sarada said with a proud nod. She was really surprised by the amount of self-control she had. Bulma was hot, that is an obvious fact. And Sarada just so happens to have the attention of said girl. Said girl just so happens to be insatiable.

The fact that she could control herself was a win in her book. She gave herself a pat on the back for that.

"You're impossible " Bulma sighed in defeat.


Kakarot was the first to jump off his cloud once they made it to capsule corp. He was quick to run into the mansion in search of his mother.In his hurry he ran right past his father without a second glance.

"Of course the father gets no love" Bardock sighed as he continued on his way. He had on casual clothes , to his dismay. Gine told him to dress normally since he cannot stay in his saiyan armor everyday all day. He didn't find the argument very reasonable. He's used to staying in his armor.

"Yo dad" Sarada waved as she made her way down the hall. Bulma followed after quietly. Accompanying them was Chichi.

"At least you acknowledge me" Bardock joked and ruffled Sarada's messy hair.

"He ran past you, didn't he? "Chichi asked already knowing the answer. After she got a nod she sighed and slipped past the adult, following Kakarot. She Already had an idea as to where he was. She's been there enough.

"Is she his girl? "Bardock asked as he watched her walk off. "He brings her along often"

Sarada and Bulma both shrugged as they also continued on their way.

"You look good in casual, by the way" Sarada complimented as she turned a corner.

Bardock looked down on himself with raised eyebrow. He supposed it wasn't too bad. He still preferred his armor.


Of course the first place in the house Sarada visited was the kitchen. She was in need of a smoothie and the good thing was that there was two present. Good. She wouldn't have to wrestle with Bulma. She retrieved both glasses and handed one to Bulma. Immediately there was a smile on her face and Sarada laughed.

"That was a quick change of mood"

Bulma said nothing. She only shot Sarada a warning look. She loved her smoothies and Sarada knew that. She was temporarily forgiven for her inconsiderate act.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now