Chapter 16

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After a while of sitting around sometimes being dragged out of her cell and having the metal restrictor checked, (or being interrogated or whatever) Sophie stopped caring about the days, what would it matter if an hour felt like a millennium anyways.

The small window in the cell always had light coming through and there wasn't any other way to tell that time was passing, so she didn't know how long she had been stuck in this hell hole. Sophie also knew that there was no way out until the Black Swan found her so there was no point creating a plan to get out anyways. She wasn't sure what was the worst part, the constant feeling of uselessness, or the fact that she could start to feel herself give up.

She and Keefe had been able to have a small time of peace. They didn't know if it was actually a day, but it was all they had. At least there was some sort of cycle.
The two would have been woken up by Augustus' (aka Baldy's) shoes banging down the corridor. Sophie would get up and Keefe would give her a pep talk through his eyes as she left. She would then spend what could have been days in the interrogation room, questions being shouted at her through the pain. Then she would go back to the cell. Keefe would be waiting for her, he wouldn't comment on how her skin was pale or how much blood was on her but would just wash her face and clean up her arms. He would ask her where she had been, and she would lie, saying that she was having her restrictor checked - Keefe didn't believe her but didn't push her for answers either. Then she would be taken to the healing centre ,where Agnes would clean her wounds muttering about how they had gotten worse since the last time. Then she would be taken back to the cell and they would go to sleep.

For those wondering, they would deffo sleep big spoon-little spoon without realising it.

But all stopped when Keefe disappeared. The cycle had started normally, but instead of him being there to help her recover, he was gone. She shouted at Augustus all night. She shouted at him on the way to the healing centre, she shouted at him while Agnes cleaned her wounds, she shouted at him on the way back. She shouted at him for answers until her voice was only a whisper and her head was pounding so badly she collapsed on the floor and passed out.

When she woke up Baldy wasn't there. Instead there was a elf version of a black Basenji dog. Tall, dark haired and intimidating.

Basenji dog ^^ hopefully this shows what we mean

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Basenji dog ^^ hopefully this shows what we mean.

Her voice was still crackly from shouting. From then on there was no schedule, a new guard each time she woke up, sometimes she would sleep for so long she would wake herself up, sometimes it seemed as if she had no sleep. The only thing the same was the interrogators and Agnes.

The worst part was when she slept, it took her longer to get to sleep then she had ever experienced before, and when she did manage to drift off, her dreams were plagued with her interrogators and friends screaming for help.

What she didn't realise that there was something worse going on right across the hallway, and she didn't realise. In the cell opposite her was Keefe, gagged, blindfolded and bruised but still, barely, Keefe.


Keefe hadn't slept since the day they had dragged him away from the cell he had shared with Sophie, he had only passed out on the chair he was tied to. He heard her screams through her slumber, and her screams through her interrogation. He saw her stumbling through the corridor in front of him, knowing she couldn't see him but fighting in his bonds anyways. He was forced to suffer through her suffering. It was his own mothers idea as well, his God awful mother who thrived in the suffering of teenagers. If there had been any love or lingering sentiment left for his mother in Keefe, it was gone.
He had lunged at her when she first walked in, gnashing his bloodied teeth and screaming curses at her, the wuss hadn't tried to come near him again.

The Neverseen had projected an image of an empty cell to onlookers from the outside, but it gave the one locked away a perfect view of those in the corridor.

They were trying to break Keefe from the inside out, and the scary thing, it was working.

~Keefe, darling, are you ready to listen to your mother and get that friend of yours to tell us where those plans are?~ Gisela spoke, through a telepath, into Keefe's head.

+I don't know, are you ready to stop being a wuss and come in here to talk to me in person?+ Keefe answered back in his head.

~Don't even try to keep that stupid tough exterior up Keefe, I'm in your head, remember?~ Gisela tutted.

+No, one of your mindless followers is in my head, you are just using them as a weak way of communication+ Keefe corrected.

Suddenly one of Sophie's screams echoed around the room.

+LET HER GO!! I swear to everything you think is worth killing for, if you don't tell me where she is right now I'll -+ Keefe roared in his head, and out loud to be honest.


~Sorry Keefe, your inner shouting gave our telepath a jolt, but we can resume our conversation~ while Gisela was talking the telepath she was using to communicate accidentally projected an image of the last telepath knocked out on the floor.

+A jolt? Are you sure he isn't knocked out on the floor? Jeez, He's weaker then Sophie was when she was 5.+ Keefe intergected.

~Keefe, you need to remember who is in charge in this situation.~ Geisla said, brushing his last comment to the side.

+Right now it seems like it's me.+ Keefe scoffed.

~You are tied to a chair in my prison Keefe. I think we can let that speak for itself, but just as a reminder.~ Gisela snarled just before another one of Sophie's screams ripped through the room.

Before he could reply, Gisela said ~You know, somewhere in you, there's a weak little boy, waiting for his mother to get home.~

+I don't know what world you're living in, but that little boy died ages ago. He's in the past, and I'm here. I don't have a mother, she was never in my life.+ Keefe snarled back.

His head went silent, the connection broken. He wasn't disturbed after that, just went back to the usual watching the corridors. But there was on thing nagging his mind, how close he was to telling the Neverseen every secret the Black Swan had given them to try to bargain Sophie's way out.


Here ya go.

Why do I not know where the letter 'c' goes in words. I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense. (for example, I just spelt 'sense', 'sence') -_-

Also I don't know how 'roar' works. Spent a good five minutes trying to spell that one. Pretty sure Bella's just my editor now. She has a lot of work.


(1216 words)


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