Chapter 12- Comfort

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A/N Hihi. This is Bella. Sorry for not updating in ages but here is a very short chapter.

Keefe didn't know how long they had been locked up. Was it days? Months? CENTURIES. Actually, that's probably not true. It had only been a few hours since he'd gotten his wound treated and his head still felt fuzzy from the drug they'd given him.
He wanted to talk to Sophie so badly. He had spent hours screaming through the bars, cursing at them, then crying at them, then crying at himself (even though he would never admit the crying bit to anybody). Then falling asleep, out of exhaustion.

He had even sat down and meditated for aaggees in the hope of somehow activating one- any of his skills. Any at all. They would be really helpful at a time like this. Come to think about it, he couldn't use his skills or his ability. He had tried reading Baldy and Agnes's emotions but he felt nothing.. Why? He wasn't wearing any kind of restrictor. Maybe Agnes had injected something into him that blocked them? No. They weren't working before he saw her. What if it was permanent?

He thought back. The sedative. His head had felt all messed up when he woke up and he had assumed it was because of a sleeping sedative. But what if it was rather, an ability/skill blocking sedative. If the Neverseen had developed a drug that could wipe out your ability just by consuming it, this could get really really bad. Worse than it was now, at least. But, if there was a ability-blocking sedative, why had he seen Sophie wearing a restrictor? He guessed it was a restrictor. What else would it be?

Keefe couldn't contact any of his friends, how would they ever get out of here. No one knew where they were.

Keefe went back to meditating. It was the only thing he could do right now.

He had felt stupid.
It did seem pretty ridiculous but he was desperate. Really desperate. There was no way he could slip through the bars. No, he was way too bulky and muscly for that. Maybe Dex would be able to. For the first time in his life he wished he was the small gangly boy that he had been before he met Fitz.

But when he had pretty much lost all hope, he heard the keys jiggle in the lock and the large metal door slowly creak open.
Baldy was standing there with Sophie. She looked absolutely awful. Her hair was matted with dirt and dried blood had dripped down her face. The metal band was wrapped tightly around her head and was cutting into her skin. She looked so pale.

Then, the door was closed. Sophie just stood there. Her eyes were blank and her gaze was very distant. Then she fell.

Keefe was beside her in an instant. She had clearly collapsed from stress and tiredness. So he carried her over to his prison bed and laid her down on the bottom bunk whilst he climbed onto the top bunk.

How did they get here? To this awful place?

When she woke up again Keefe did his best to clean the blood off of her with the rusty water from the tap.

She just, sat there. Silently. Keefe thought she might need space so he didn't say anything for a while. Until he spoke softly, "Sophie, what happened?"

After a pause she whispered. "They just interrogated me. For ages." She was quiet.
"About what?"
"I don't know. About some kind of plans? About an experiment. About the Black Swan. They didn't tell me much about what I was supposed to know but they assumed I did know..."

Keefe was confused. "Do they want to know something about the Black Swan? Something we don't know?"

Sophie was silent.
"Why would they put me in here? With you?"
"You almost sound like you don't want to be in the same room as me." Keefe tried for a joke.
"That's not true." Sophie said with the smallest, softest smile on her face. Maybe even shyly?
Keefe felt his insides go fuzzy for a second.

"They must have some kind of plan. In the meantime, you need to rest Sophie."
She slowly climbed back onto the creaky bed and as Keefe stood to ascend to the top, Sophie tugged on his sleeve.
With her face looking at the ground she said in a small voice, "Can you stay with me?"
Keefe hesitated, "...y-yeah."
He lay down next to her and she immediately fell asleep.

This reminded him of that time on the trip, before this happened. It wasn't even that long ago.

He felt himself drift off with the comfort of someone beside him.


Keefe was woken by the sound of sharp footsteps outside of his cell door and when it opened he absolutely wished he hadn't.

Lady Gisela stood in the doorway, admiring the way the Moonlark was wrapped in his arms.

Keefe glared at her, but moved slightly so that he was blocking more of Sophie.

"Well son, as much as I...hate to interrupt this touching moment," She said with a smirk on her face. Then her tone went cold and her smile colder , "we need to have a little chat, you and I."

She made a beckoning motion and turned on her heels. The sound of her heels snapping against the stone floor echoing through the hallways.

A/N Once again, so sorry for the looong wait.
Lol, so many times throughout this chapter I almost wrote Quirk instead of ability.

Louisa isn't into anime at the moment and I am very very sad ಥ‿ಥ

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Louisa isn't into anime at the moment and I am very very sad ಥ‿ಥ.

Oh well.
Thank for sticking with us.

Word count- 966


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