"Listen, I know it's tough, but you'll have to let it go. Who knows, she may come around again. And even if she doesn't, then you'll be okay. Think about it, this opens up even more options for that harem you want now that you aren't in a committed relationship." I'm completely talking out of my ass but it seems to be working. His expressions changes to a more confident one.

"Totally. You're always right Y/N. Thanks, I'll see you at club later." He runs off yelling about him being the harem king. If I didn't feel bad about it before, well I do know. I push the thought out of my head and go to class, along the way hearing people talking.

"Rias was coming to school alone, did she break up with the pervert?"

"I hope she did. She deserves better."

I hide my grin and finally arrive to class with not much time left. I get my stuff together and prepare to teach. Y/N the devil assistant goes away for now, and Y/N the teacher comes out. The students of my first class walk in and I greet them all.

"You seem like you're in a really good mood today Mr. L/N," one of the boys tells me. I'm still not sure on everyone's names so I'm kind of embarrassed.

"I am. After yesterday I think I'm more prepared for everything today. And like I said, you all can just call me Y/N. I'm not a fan of all of the formalities personally." He goes to his seat and the bell rings. "Alright class let's get started."

Rias POV

"Rias!" I look over to see Akeno snapping in my face. "Are you okay? You seem like you were spacing out."

"I'm fine, really I am Akeno. I guess I'm just a little tired is all." She gets a smirk on her face and that has me worried. She seems like she's up to something. My mind keeps jumping between Issei and Y/N. I feel awful for hurting Issei, but it was better than being with Y/N behind his back. At the same time it seems like Y/N does genuinely love me so part of me is happy I did it.

"So it must be true then? You broke up with Issei." Her, Sona, and Tsubaki look at me.

"That's right. His desires made me feel like I had no place in his heart. I'm fine though, it was for the better."

"I hate to be that girl but I told you so Gremory," Sona states. "He has power and all he does with it is amplify his perversions. It makes me sick." She shudders just thinking about it.

"I'm okay with it too. That just means more for me." Akeno licks her lips.

"Do as you please," I say. The day carries on and eventually the four of us make it to Y/N's class. Everyone knows that he had some relation to Sona because of open house but now he's closer to me. He smiles at the four of us and bows.

"Pleasure to see you ladies." Even when he doesn't have to be he can be so proper, I guess that's what happens when you stay around high class devils too long. We take our seats and the rest of the class files in. The lesson goes by and I can tell Y/N is more confident than he was yesterday. He's answering questions everyone has and is helping to make sure everyone understands. An interesting question arises once the lesson is over and all of us get to work.

"Y/N," one of our fellow students calls. He walks over to help her and I use my enhanced devil hearing to listen in. "This may seem out of line, but what happened to the ring on your finger? I saw you had one at open house." He breathes quickly and responds.

"It's a long story so I won't bore you with the details. Basically my fiancee at the time and I had different desires in life. I wanted to help people so that's why I'm here. She didn't like that I was choosing to take that time away from her. I harbor no grudge though, that wouldn't be fair to her." She responds with an okay and goes back to what she was doing. I see Sona was listening in as well.

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