• Chapter Eighteen •

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Turning around, I sighed.

I wanted to move away from here but then I remembered how he had told me he would meet me back here.

Maybe if I just go somewhere else then ring him?


I'll just stay here and.. Try to think about the money?.. And.. Try to ignore the pompous assholes who's licking their ice creams while frowning at me as if I am the one who's acting strange!?


"Miss Trapp?"

Recognising the voice, I turn to see Mr Tiffin standing directly beside me.

"Wow.." I pull my own glasses down a little to double check it's really him.

"That was quick?" I laugh.

"Told you I wouldn't be long." He smiles. "Didn't want to keep you waiting any longer than necessary."

He turns to see the judgmental couple still eyeing us, their ice creams dripping all over them from where they have been paying too much attention to us and so little to themselves.

"Shall we.. Go somewhere else?" He suggests.

"Please." For fuck sake.

"So, how did you manage to pull that off?" I wonder out loud as I gather my things and place them into my bag.

"You're not Clark Kent are you?" With my back still arched, I lowered my sunglasses again, narrowing my eyes at him with a playful smile.

"Who's that?" He frowns.

"Oh, no one.." I fake laugh, wave him away and begin to walk.

Note To Self: Clearly not a fan of superman.

"Oh! You mean superman?"

I nod and laugh a little nervously.

"Speaking or pulling it off, where did you get that from?" He stops and eyes my bikini.

"This?" I placed a hand on one of the shoulder straps of 'said' bikini and watched as he calmly nodded in response.

"Um... I'm not sure.." Not gonna lie, my short term memory is shocking.

"Well if you remember, please tell me? I would love to buy one for Scarlet."

"Sure." I flick some hair over my shoulder and force myself to concentrate on the sandy ground beneath me as I continue to walk.

Not that I begrudge her? (Much..) But I'm trying so hard right now to not envision Scarlet in the same bikini as me.

I'm sure she had plenty of other bikinis she could choose from and wear, all of which that without a shadow of a doubt would look effortlessly (and annoyingly..) amazing on her without her even having to try.

"It's just a little bit further. Hope you don't mind." Mr Tiffin smiled politely.

"Not at all." I smiled back, trying to hide the fact that it's a workout in itself to keep up with him.

The Honey TrapOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant