• Chapter Nine •

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I look back at the hairdresser who is blissfully unaware and still holding the head compartment up ready to put it down over my head.

Fortunately, Scarlet by the looks of things is far too busy on her phone to even notice me and so I take a seat reassuring myself she will probably be done soon and unable to recognise me from under this great big noisy thing anyway.

I close my eyes and lean back, reminding myself that I am here to relax and enjoy myself just as much as I am here to work.

Wiggling myself back into the large leather chair even more, I sigh and try to think of something else to occupy my time and mind with.

I decide to plan my next steps; As soon as I am done here, I will go across the road to that cute little cafe, order a drink and -

My stomachs grumbles interrupting my train of thought

Okay, Okay. AND some food.. While I wait for her to leave. Then, I will follow her.


My phone begins to vibrate.

What the..?

A series of numbers flash up on the screen, numbers that I now recognise to be none other than Hero's.

Really?! Well, I can't answer him. It's not like I would be able to hear him anyway!

I decline the call and start to compose a text message.

I'm pausing, wondering what to say when he beats me to it and texts me first.

New Text Message: "Maybe: H"

Hi, sorry to disturb you.

You don't disturb me, your partner on the other hand..

Was wondering when would be a good time to call?


Oh crap, why does he want to call again? We already spoke this morning!

Umm, okay. Think, think, think. Fuck!

I look to my left which is a waste of time as I can't see anything without lowering myself and making it patently obvious I'm trying to look at her.

She won't know that I'm texting her celeb fiancé, don't be silly.. I tell myself.


Hello H,

Anytime between..

I quickly check my watch

4 and 5 would be great!


Oh my gosh. I just realised?! We are both called H! Well, technically it should be a J for me, but still.


And relax..



Perfect. Talk soon. H.

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