• Chapter Four •

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Okay, time for a little Yoga!

Just one problem, I don't actually have a yoga outfit? So I'll need to stop on the way and try and find somewhere to get changed that is not my car.

Thirty minutes and one smoking hot outfit later, I arrive looking the part as I step out of my car, yanking off the price tags and adjusting my cleavage until I am satisfied.

Whew, look. At. You.

As I gaze into my own reflection that is the car door, I realise I may just get away with convincing others that I am actually a regular here!

Walking into the gym itself, complete with my yoga mat and water bottle, I think I may have even convinced myself, too.

I sign myself in at the reception, fake name of course, I'm not stupid, then I head straight upstairs as directed by the ridiculously pretty receptionist - I mean seriously, it should be illegal to look that hot and serve the public.

I then wait outside the rather posh looking double doors that lead to the studio, or so I presume.

I realise that for once I am actually on time for something - Oh the irony.. I almost wish I had been coming here for my own benefit.

That of course would never happen.

My chosen method of unwinding is a lot more simpler and far less costly than this.

Give me Netflix and beach walks any day!

That's how I liked to achieve my inner pea- Holy Fudge Balls..

Check him out; Impending hottie at two o'clock!

Judging by the tall dark and handsome guy who is fast approaching my way whilst being showered in "Hello's" and "Hey's" from every possible direction, I think it would be fair to say two things here.

One, this must be the Yoga instructor, and Two, I can totally see why his class is so frigging popular.

He's barely at the doors before all the women immediately, and rudely, end their conversations to one another, all of them wanting to be the first to line up and get the best spots nearest to him, no doubt.

"Good afternoon ladies.." He casts his gaze over each and every pathetically swooning woman, myself included.

He then holds one of the double doors open so as to allow the steady flow of oestrogen through, all the while personally greeting each and every one of his students, whilst flexing his muscles unnecessarily.

Great multitasking on his part!

Hmm, and an Italian accent? Of course.

I pull my black cap down a little more, not really wanting to be seen but unfortunately for me, he has other ideas.

"Newbie?" He stops me with his hand as I had so quickly tried, and failed, to walk past with nothing more than a friendly leave-me-the-fuck-a-lone smile.

"Um, yes?! Guilty, you caught me!" I laugh nervously and stand to one side, allowing the others to continue entering the room.

"Nice! So glad you could join us.." His eyes wander up and down my body very slowly.

"Thankyou!" Pervert.

"How about you come up front with me for today, that way I can give you a little bit more one on one practice for your first session."

"Oh, thank you but um, that won't be necessary." I tell him. I'm not just on about him accentuating his accent either.

"No?" He says it so dramatically like it's a frickin' challenge.

"No." I reaffirm. "You see, I'm already quite experienced when it comes to Yoga.." Is he buying it? Wait. What am I doing? Stop! Just stop..

"Oh, really? Well maybe.. In that case.. You could demonstrate for us? And maybe after the session, you could teach me a thing or two, no?"

"Umm.." See what you got yourself into now? This is why you tell the truth, Jo..

Then again, how hard can it be? A few stretches here, a few bends there and..

"I'm just kidding?! You should have seen your face!" He laughs.

"Oh.." I laugh nervously, aware that the room full of women are all staring at me with envy.

Bitches please, you are welcome to the sleaze ball.

"Okay, well.. I'm gonna go and find a spot." I say, trying to excuse myself with a point of my thumb.

"Here, allow me." He takes my mat and carries it over to the front of the group and rolls it out next to his.

Perfect. So much for being undercover..

 So much for being undercover

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