• Chapter One •

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Mornings in LA were the best.

No matter what the time of the year, you were pretty much always guaranteed to be met with the most beautiful blue sky each and every morning.

From my apartment, I could see the ocean.

The palm trees were so close that you could almost reach out from the balcony and touch them with your fingertips.


This apartment had it all.

It had the views, the location, the modern interior and design.. But, only me and my dog, Chester, to enjoy it.

For now, that's all I really needed. I was content. But I knew that, being 24, my biological clock was slowly ticking and that one day, I would want more.


My apple laptop pinged loudly, notifying me of a potential hit on a previous case, or a new client.

I highly doubted it would be a new client, there hadn't been one in weeks.

Apparently, people just don't cheat anymore!?
That or they no longer want to know if their partner is..

Oh, I know what you are thinking. Sometimes ignorance is bliss right? Or, who would want to know?

Well, my clients; That's who.

Settling on the bed with my legs crossed underneath me, I lift the laptop screen and take another bite from my apple as I watch Chester jump up on the bed and run over to me.

I shouldn't really allow him on the bed, I know. But he's just so cute!

Could you really say no to his little face 👇 ??

Could you really say no to his little face 👇 ??

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I mean really, I'll wait.

..... What's that? You want some more photos of Chester? Okay, I can do that!

 What's that? You want some more photos of Chester? Okay, I can do that!

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See what I mean?!? You just wouldn't, would you

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See what I mean?!? You just wouldn't, would you.

Okay, okay. Back to work.

So I'd been trailing this bloke for the last few weeks. Afterall, it is my job.

However this bloke, he's been very idle lately which leads me to believe one of two things. He's either called it quits with his bit on the side, or I haven't been good enough at my job and he's noticed me.

Naturally, I very much doubt that last theory..

Sometimes leads do go cold. It happens! Believe it or not, some men do actually realise the errors of their ways, call it off and return to their ever-doting, unsuspecting wives and girlfriends.. Very rarely though.

As I load up my emails, I have to say I'm very surprised.

It is a new client.

I click on the link and open it, quickly skim reading past the part where the client has written something personally to me, and straight to the 'form' info itself.

If I'm honest, as bad as it sounds.. I rarely read the direct messages from the clients anymore. Mostly because it's so depressing and always the same thing in different wording.

SPOILER ALERT! General gist is always the same;

"I think my husband/fiancé/boyfriend is cheating on me.."

They have the option to message me, but usually they are happy with me being the one to supply all the info.

I mean, what other reason would they have to talk to me?

Oh, I hear you. If the client was a male, then to cheat maybe?! But no, you're wrong! So wrong. I wouldn't ever go there. I have built a business based on it, remember? It's kind of a stark reminder!

Wake up in the morning, don't go there..

Lunch on the veranda, don't go there..

Beautiful views, again, no, Jo, don't go there.

Okay, so you get my drift..

Chester barks a couple of times, interrupting my internal monologue. His barks however, quickly becoming reduced into nothing more than that of grumpy grumble.

"Good morning Gloria, you're late!" I tease my cleaner as Chester continues his feeble attempts to guard me with the most minimal amount of effort.

"I'm so sorry, there was so much traffic.." She appears at the end of my bed, rushing to tie her pinny around her waist.

"It's fine.." I wave her away. I'm really not bothered about these things. She has a life outside of helping me, I get it. What I really wanna know is.. "Have you eaten?"

I can tell by the look on her face that she hasn't. And so I say "I'll make us some brunch!"

"Thankyou Miss Josie, you make the most delicious pancakes."

"I try." I shrug and smile humbly.

Gloria is soo sweet. Which is why I always pay her a little extra on top, every month. She has a big family to think of, as well as herself who I regularly insist she spoils every now and then, not that she listens.

Once I hear she has gotten started on her chores for the day, I stop molesting Chester and return to my emails.

Right, so..

Name: Scarlet. Wait. I'm meant to be tracing a woman..?!

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