"Raymond stop being nosey. Her baby daddy got her pregnant." Seven groans

"How many months are you, look like you're about to pop." Ray squeals

" eight."

"Hold the hell up. If I do the math correctly BITCH YOU GOT PREGNANT BY THAT GANGSTA MAN!"

"Why are you so extra?" Madison asks while yawning

"When did you find out?" Ray asks as they make their way to sit down on the couch.

"I was getting morning sickness every morning for the first three months." Madison explains

"Wait what's the gender?" He squeals

"I wanted to know the gender but Seven insisted that I wait till the birth."

"Wow so let me guess you're the step pop pop?" Raymond asks pointing to Seven

" No I am not ,I am Uncle Seven. Did you forget I have a girl at home?"

"Who,the damn girl name May May?" Raymond jokes

" It's Maylene and yes she is my girlfriend."

"So your girlfriend was okay with you driving Ms.Sexy Pregnant pussy Madison nine hours to Detroit?"

"What the hell is wrong with you Raymond?" Madison groans

"I'm just saying, you know what they say. Prego kat is the best kat."

"Raymond me and Seven aren't having sex so I advise you to shut up about it." Madison announces angrily

"Oop ...I'm sorry." He said covering his mouth.

" I can't believe I'm going to be a godfather." Raymond yells

"Damn I have to go baby shopping and grocery shopping.
Madison put on your shoes, come on we're about to go grocery shopping so you can feed my baby."

"I don't want tooooo. I just want to relax"

" Girl you're pushing a baby out soon. You're going to need to walk to help with a smooth delivery." Raymond says grinning

" babygirl Ray is right."

Raymond turned his head quickly at Seven and stared at him for a while.

"O...kay now so Madison put on your flip flops so we can go to the market"

Madison huffs out air before pressing in the chair and lifting off the couch. She waddles to the front door and slides her feet inside of her slippers

"Your booty has gotten so damn fat." Raymond compliments before giving it a smack

"Leave me alone Raymond and let's go."

The duo steps into the cold market and Madison frowns turns to a grin.

" yay it's cold in here."

"Come on crazy lady. I have a cart"

Raymond and her walk around for a couple minutes just picking up random stuff.

" Have you ever tried hot cheetos dipped in yogurt?" Madison asks while licking her lips

"Eww gross what the hell that child got you eating?"

"Leave me and my baby alone." Madison grins while rubbing her stomach

"Excuse me, can you pass me that cereal right there?" A familiar voice asks

Madison turns around to see Dre.

"Oh sorry I'll just move out of the way"

" wait MADISON!"

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