Wow she just thought you planted where you wanted and that is that. "Then it's also planted in a way that the plants benefit from each other." She take as much information as Issac would give her. Him talking like that was very new to her.
He then leads her to the greenhouse."Here is my seedlings that I cultivate to make them stronger for the seasons that is yet to come."

He leads her further down

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He leads her further down. Where there are rows of different trees. Each in their own line."There are the trees that bare edible fruit."
"Why is there those white bags around some fruits?" I wonder. "That is to know that the fruit is almost ready to be harvested, that also means birds are likely to eat it. So we wrap a breathable small around it to protect the fruit and it's also easier to check up on. So it saves alot of time."
"Wow, and I had no idea it took this much effort. Do you do it all alone?" Amazed by the farm that he grew. "Yes." She was really amazed at Issac. "Will you teach me how to work here?" She could see a small smile forming. "Of coarse." The twinkle in his eyes made her so happy. He might not say much, but his eyes give him away sometimes. Only barely, but they do. She just has to look really hard.

"Do you have any animals?" He nodds and walks away. Knowing that that means she should follow him, so she does. He takes her to small barn.

He shows her the dairy cows and meat cows. She didn't even really know there was a difference in the type of cows. There was even sheep and chickens! This really is like a mini farm.
He showed her the stalls where the animals sleep when there is a storm and where they normally sleep at night.
He even showed her the stall where Storm sleeps. She wanted a horse too, but she would wait. She has to get better at riding them first.

"Don't you need some help with this place?" she doesn't even know how he keeps this place to beautiful and in order if he is the King's beta

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"Don't you need some help with this place?" she doesn't even know how he keeps this place to beautiful and in order if he is the King's beta. "I don't mind, it keeps me focused." She wanted to ask how but had a feeling he wouldn't elaborate on that. "Well from now on you have me to help you."
There was that look again, a look she couldn't understand, but like always, it vanished before she could figure him out.
"I have one boy who keeps a lookout on the animals. His name is Keison, but he is off on weekens."
She was glad to have found some common ground where Issac would actually talk to her instead of his caveman replies.

"Issac this place is really just wonderful, you are amazing." Catherine says and Issac sees her get red once again. Does Catherine have an illness that she doesn't want him to know about?
His mate stares at everything he showed her. "It's really beautiful Issac."
"Thank you Fl...Catherine." He felt really proud that Catherine liked this place. He did all this for her after all. "Well show me everything, I'll be your shadow for today!" Her radiant smile was blinding, but my, did he find her beautiful.


He everyone, sorry for the wait, but I was in a bad space in my head. You know that feeling of being depressed and you aren't exactly sure why, but it feels like you are drowning and you don't evem know why because you can swim.

Anywho, I've got some sad good news that I want to share cuz I'm not suppose to tell the people I know.

But my boyfriend got me an engagement ring. He said he couldn't just keep it a secret from me {we don't keep secrets from each other} , but that is the meanest thing one can do to me. Now I know he wants to ask I just don't know when. 😭😭😭 The agony it's just, just mean. Like ask me already!!
Anywhooo, he said I can't tell anyone. His family does know about the ring, but my family and friends and his friends has no idea.
We've been together for a long... Long time and just knowing that and knowing my ring is just out of reach... It's pure torture for me.
He even showed me the ring!!!

So I had so share with someone my exciting yet horrible news.

Below is my future engagement ring.


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