The Crown of Love

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Hey every1. I hope I am not too late with a new update? I was trying so hard to make a few ideas for my newest book that I didn't get the time to publish. However, finally, the moment has come. 

BTW, this is a reallly dark twist on Romeo and Juliet. Usually I never give detailed explanations on my poems because I feel like even if its  my poem, its u reading it. U might interpret in a manner which helps to relate, maybe same as mine or different. Reading and writing is where u let your imagination run wild. I wouldn't take that away from u all and even if u wanna understand my perspective, always feel free to text me here or privately. Now, for this poem; love really isn't about flowers, gardens and gifts anymore is it? Its not abt courting or truly understanding and developing trust. In the current world, most of us don't even understand how love works and maybe that is the beauty of love? Some think of love as blessing while some, a curse. I'll be addressing a toxic love here and so I hope u all like it. I'm so sorry for this long note but I really had to explain this one. Thank u so much for reading.

Closed doors, wilted flowers and moor

       Tears trickle down her cheeks, her voice hoarse,

I sat there on the stairs, looking at my love in despair

        For I failed to  be the Romeo who swayed his Juliet to a mare.

Her father did not listen, no matter the desperation I imprisoned,

       Crawling on the floor to reach Juliet's hand,

But the only thing I got was a friendship band.

Maniacal laughter echoed in these walls,

      The day I finally took what's mine, killing them all;

Euphoria obtained, my world sustained

      Yet the rose I loved glared at me in disdain.

The final blow was all it took,

     Beaten and blue, Juliet lost her rosy hue,

Knife plunged into the heart I owned

     Poison burning my throat, our love forever dethroned....

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