One sided love 💔💔

74 23 15

My heart beats fast, anticipation grows,
    For hearing your answer and future goals.
Praying that I am indeed a part
    Of making you whole.

Your eyes look at me like they are seeing gold
     Expensive, worth and fighting for,
But then you blink, leaving me cold
   And run to your precious diamond, forevermore.

My insides churn, eyes burn
    But yet I smile, till you turn,
I drop my papers on the reddish floor
    Realising this is now my life, messy and gore.

I look at you and I realise
  You did love me,
But, only as a friend
   And such will be.

I wish you good luck for the future darling,
   And carry my feelings, tears running.

What A Poet Thinksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें