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Get your tissues ready y'all. This might hurt....

I left you on the podium for no reason,

     Your eyes sparkle with the love I once seasoned;

The dress I dared adorn, purity its highlight,

      I burned it down in scarred daylight.

The innocent touches were never lies,

      Yet, I subjected you to silent goodbyes;

You smiled with a hope that lightened my ,life,

     Being too kind was your only crime.

You knew I was hurt, you knew I could  hurt,

    Why did my harshness not make your responses curt?

You taught me to dance by my rules and regulations,

   Yet, you stayed in the circle of my demons of allegations.

Sacrifices you made, fruitless as they stay,

     You burned in the hell that caused me to violently sway;

You taught me to love, I was too late to reach,

    The podium now empty of your crestfallen speech.

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