
60 22 17

hey me back. This time tho, I wrote the poem for a few specific ppl in my life. Thank u for being there u guys.

Smiles which are real, concepts clear,
   Whenever you people, aka my friends are near.
You annoy the shit out of me, but always know,
    You play a very big part in shielding my soul.

I try to be a listener and give good advice,
   But still need a shoulder to cry on otherwise.
I fuck up the atmosphere, of course I do,
   But I know you will pick up my pieces when I run to you.

I do need somebody,
  I am a human afterall!
Or else who will I curse to?
  And plan to rip my enemies apart?!!

You, my friends are very precious to me,
    Always, remember that.
I truly believe I can trust you with my heart
    To keep it intact.

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