Pain and Glory

22 9 7

Guys I think y'all will like this cauz its abt this generation and teenagers. I hope u all will get my message. Have a wonderful day❤❤,

We are the clowns of the world
      The entertainers and jesters,
Laugh at us, yes you will!
      A fate, that we can never master.

So absorbed into the tales of society,
     None concerned to question our thin sanity,
Slowly losing grasp, desperately falling into
     The depths of forsaken humanity.

Love in this age has no value
    No meaning that we can fathom,
So crazed by the thought of lust,
    We step away from mutual trust.

Parties, drinks, is this all life now?
    Drugs and cigar, bring us down,
No sight, out of mind
       Reality denied,
Power in hand, leading to demise....

What A Poet ThinksKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat