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3rd pov

At the airport

"Oi boys we finally made it back home!!" Kiba shouted as he walked by his bodyguard up front. All the fans went crazy when the boys got off the plane. All the boys waved and proceeded to walk to the car.

"Welp after a few hours of resting we'll meet at the school at 7:00 sharp." Neji said while the rest nodded.

The Café

Naruto sat in the almost empty cafè by the window. He left to Karin's and got a professional disguise from her. The blond had a black wig on with a grey bucket hat. He wore a long baggy black sweater and blue ripped jeans. He basically looked like a Lone wolf. He also had his whiskers covered by makeup.

The blond took a sip of his ice coffee and sighed.

"Am I even ready to do this?" Naruto said to himself. He took another sip and looked down. Suddenly he felt a hand shake him on the shoulder and he looked up.



The two blonds looked at each other in disbelief. Ino finally got up and hugged him.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Ino exclaimed.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT IT WAS ME!?" Naruto said very surprised.

"Well duh you always get ice coffee and you have been wearing the same bracelet I gave you years ago!" Ino explained. Naruto looked down and remembered the blue bracelet with a golden heart on it was the friendship bracelet that him and Ino shared.

"Heh right I guess I never take it are you!?" Naruto asked.

"Im great! You were right Naruto I really do love singing!" Ino happily replied. Naruto then remembered that Ino was gonna become a famous designer. But instead she joined the Strawberry Bellas because of Sakura telling her to join.

"Really that's great, I'm very happy that you like it." Naruto said softly. Ino smiled then got an idea.

"COME TO THE STUDIO WITH ME!!!!" Ino squealed. Without Naruto's consent, Ino grabbed him and her bodygaurd as she ran to the car.

At the studio

"Uhhh I-Ino I dont think this is a good idea. I mean Sakura has never spoke to me in 2 years!" Naruto's voice was shaky from all the jitters.

"You'll be fine and besides I'm here! Now come in this room." Ino dragged Naruto into the studio where the Strawberry Bellas were getting ready.

Naruto's pov

I stepped in and lost myself...there she is...its her. The pinkett looked in my direction and had on wide eyes. She was so stunning...were emerald eyes were so glimmering. Her hair was as pink as ever, her skin was so smooth and milky. She was perfect...way prettier than me...

"Ummm who's this?"

Huh? Sakura-chan doesn't remember me?...OH WAIT IM IN DISGUISE!

"Oh this is my little cousin his name is....Jr.!"

...really Ino...Jr?

"Oh okay then. Hey you wanna watch us perform!" Sakura looked at me with a perfect smile.

"Yes please."

"Okay well my name is Sakura Haruno, and I'm the guitarist and leader. This is ten ten are drummer! And this is Hinata are bassist!" Sakura pointed at the two other girls.

WOW HINATA IS SO PRETTY! she cut her hair and everything....WAIT ISNT TEN TEN NEJI'S GIRLFRIEND!!!

"welp lets start!" Ino clapped her hands together as she went into the room where they were performing.

All the girls stood perfectly in position and went silent.

"ICHI, NI, SAN, SHI!!! "

(Love this band❤)

WOAH!!! THESE GIRLS ARE AMAZING! Sakura really did mastered the electric guitar...

As I was listening I didn't realize someone else was watching behind me.

"HOW WAS THAT!!!" Ino hollered at me.

"It was amazing!" I yelled out happily.

Sakura looked at me strange then walked up to me.

"You sound I know you?"

Shit does my voice sound that unique!

"Uhh no heh I lived in....America my whole life! How can I know you?" I looked at her with a fake confused face.

"Hm I guess Neji how are you?"

Huh? Neji?...I'm not-

"I'm good, came here for ten ten."

I turned around to see the tall brunette man right behind me.

HOLY SHIT ITS N-NEJI! WHICH ONLY MEANS...I walked out and opened the door to only see the now older version of Kiba.

3rd pov

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The blond screamed before dashing out to the bathrooms. Ino and the others jumped at the sudden scream. They all just shrugged in confusion.

Naruto ran into the bathroom and ran cold water on his face. As he was washing his face the make-up that Karin put on was now washing off completely. Naruto then looked up and dropped his jaw feeling like an complete idiot.

"OH NO THE MAKE UP!!!" the blond screamed before pulling off the hat that was connected to the black wig. He was in complete panick heart racing and...

"Hey are you okaaaa---" Neji had walked in while Naruto pulled off the wig. Neji was wide eyed full on staring at the blond boy. Naruto turned around and his heart stopped completely.

"N-NARUTO!" Neji yelled.

"SHHH!!!! I CAN EXPLAIN!" Naruto said while shaking. Neji closed the men's bathroom door and locked it.

"Well puberty did you well." Neji said teasingly. Naruto pouted and looked at the amused man.

"Haha very funny...i-is Sasuke here?" Naruto asked a bit shy.

"No he went out with his old friends." Neji explained.

"Oh I see..." Naruto sighed with relief.

"So you coming to the school reunion? We're playing there and it's only for our highschool year." Neji said.

"Actually yeah I was going but...I'm not ready to see him again." Naruto quietly said while fiddling with his thumbs.

"Oh then I guess this is why your wearing a...disguise. wait you are going to were that tomorrow night?" Neji questioned.

"Well yeah...WAIT PLEASE DON'T TELL SASUKE! I AM NOT READY I'LL DIE!" Naruto jumped into Neji's arms pleading.

"Okay okay! Get off of me!" Neji scrambled Naruto off.

"THANKS SO MUCH NEJI-KUN!!!" Naruto beamed with happiness.

"Dont worry Naruto I won't tell Sasuke...I'll brag about it that I got to see his ex-lover." Neji thought to himself while having a mysterious look on his face.

Thanks for reading!

I'll see you then!!

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