where we are I'll always love you

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After packing

"Welp looks like thats everything!" Kiba said while checking off Naruto's packing list.

"Thanks a lot Kiba....heh and sorry I'm kinda forgetful." Naruto said nervously.

"No problem cutie I got everything under control!" Kiba said with pride.

Naruto went downstairs to see Iruka ordering Sasuke.

"Make sure he doesn't eat only ramen, and make sure you guys call me! Don't forget to clean up and-" Naruto then cut off his father.

"Ok ok dad don't scare Sasuke away." Said the blonde.

"He's right honey, Sasuke will run for the hills if you keep doing that." Kakashi added. Iruka just blushed and gave his husband a kiss and his son a hug.

"We're going to miss you Naruto....make sure to call." Iruka said.

Sasuke walked up to the brunette and bowed.

"I'll make sure Naruto will be safe and comfortable Mr.Hatake."

Iruka blushed then smiled.

"Call me Iruka Sasuke....or dad doesn't matter. And thank you for putting up with my son." Iruka then bowed as well.

Later that evening

"...WHOAAAAA WHAAAAAAT!?" Naruto gasped in awe as he saw his suprise.

"Heh I couldnt stand seeing you in that old red car any longer so

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"Heh I couldnt stand seeing you in that old red car any longer so....here ya go." Sasuke smirked.

Naruto bumped Sasuke on the shoulder with a scowl on his face.

"This is too much, you can't buy me with money Uchiha!" Naruto said with pride.

"No....but with a bed I can." Sasuke then winked at his blonde making him blush crazy.


Sasuke then showed Naruto the car and what it looked like inside. Soon after friends came over to say their final goodbyes.

Sasuke and Naruto put all their things in the trunk of the car. They stood in front of the drivers door and faced their friends and family.

"Hope you have a great time you guys!" Sakura said while Ino was smiling.

"Oi take good care you guys." Shikamaru said while holding Kiba's hand.

"Oi don't forget to buy me something there!" Kiba added making Shikamaru smack him.

"Be safe son!" Naruto's parents waved with Hõki.

"Be back soon!" Suigetsu said standing with Karin and Jūgo. Neji and ten ten waved while Lee couldn't make out any words because of all the crying.  Sai just smiled and bowed his head off to Sasuke. Sasuke did the same as they both gestured respect to one another.

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