chapter 16

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Applejack POV:

  With everything that's been happening the past few days I have no idea how to feel. First Rarity tells me she loves me and never wanted to break up with me...Second Rarity's mom had been abusing her and almost sent her to conversion therapy....Third she wants to run away.

With me.

No second thoughts just, get up and leave.

Oh and don't forget she still has a boy friend.

   I'm looking up into Rarity's sapphire eyes and I have a wave of confusion...What do I do? Run away...where? when? how? This is probably the worst idea I've ever heard in my life. I love rarity and honestly I didn't need it to make sense to know that I was made to be with her.

We're still in high school.

"I understand this is a lot to take in, I mean a lot. I just...Aj there's nothing more I want to do. I want to be with you forever, I mean I could I not. I love everything about you. It's also the fact that I can't be around my mom, not if I ever want to be happy. And I want to be happy, with you applejack, so please. I understand if you're not ready but, I'm going to go regardless, I can't live somewhere where I'm not welcomed. So, watcha say darling..?" Rarity gave a soft smile, this wasn't like her but,

"Yes." I say loudly "Rarity I would love to run away with you." I say cutting her off


Rarity's eyes lit up and my heart skipped a beat. I know how much of a bad idea this is...but I didn't god Rarity the fuck have you done to me?

I can tell Rarity knows I'm not sure about this but I know she doesn't care.

"I mean yeah it's a lot but, I just know Rares, we're meant to be, and if it means running away to be with you, or to make you happy, I'm doing it." I tucked some of Rarity's hair behind her ear as she blushed and kissed me on the cheek.

This was straight out of a movie, running away with your highschool sweetheart.

But hey, who doesn't wanna live like you're in a movie.
Fuck it.

Fuck all of it none of it matter anymore.

All I care about now is being with rarity, yes this is a dumb, stupid decision. I'll probably regret this in the years to come but now. I just want to be free,

I want to be with rarity.

A comfortable silence overtook us and we just stayed next to eachother for what felt like hours. I thought about everything processed this. It still was a lot but, I know rarity and I are meant to be, I mean what if I never meet someone like this again? I can't let her go, I have to keep my promise.

"As much as I appreciate you staring at me, we should go," She winked at me. "I was not staring.." I said in a low town. She let out a laugh as I went into her car and we drove back to her house.

I waited patiently in the car for what seemed like almost an hour while Rarity was inside getting all of her stuff. She sure is a heavy packer but I mean we're running away for god sake i cant imagine how much stuff she'll bring. A smile crept onto my face, rarity really does make me so happy, all the small things she does and all the big things.

This is really happening. We're really doing this. Leaving everybody behind. With no hesitation.

Once Rarity comes to the car she has at least a thousand bags, of course. I go over to help her and I see her warm smile. With all of my doubts and worries something in that moment felt so right. Being with Rarity felt so right.

Everything was right I knew it.

We drove back to Sweet Apple Acres so I could get my stuff. I quietly got my stuff and thought about every body I'm leaving behind. I stood in front of the farm and began to question things.

What about Apple bloom? Granny smith? Big Mac? All our friends...Rainbow? Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Twilight? What about them. I'm going to miss them like hell.

But I look back at the car to see rarity, I know my family would want me to be happy, and I know our friends want us to be happy. As much as this might hurt, it's what's meant to be.


I put my stuff into the car and Rarity is in her phone scrolling though some app. When I get into the drivers seat she puts her phone down and gives me a kiss.

"I love you." She says looking at me. "I love you too." I say smiling back.

I really do. I really do.

"Also I thought we could write letters explaining to everyone." I look at her starting the car. She nods looking out the window. "Ya know, I'm really gonna miss Pinkie's cupcakes, Oh and Fluttershy's  bunny, what was his name again? Angel! Yeah angel he was so cute, right applejack?" Rarity rambled on as I just softly smiled, something else I loved about her, she always spoke her mind. It made me so incredibly happy.

Goodbye sweet apple acres. Good bye ponyville. Good bye Equestria. I will miss you.

"Hey applejack, you kept your promise," Rarity spoke softly as we drove into darkness, "What promise," I looked at her a bit confused, "The one where you said that you would love me for infinity." Rarity's eyes began to water. I smiled and placed my hand on her thigh, "I'll always love you, for infinity."

Every once in a while I like to change up a few things in this story, I hope you enjoyed regardless of this terrible writing.

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