chapter 10

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(note:OMGG TY FOR 200 READS✨❤️
ALSO all the art I use is not mine credit to the artists!!!! One more thing, I use certain slurs that I can use because I am gay)

Fuck. "I-I was at a friends's not what you think."I was mumbling. "SO YOU'RE NOT A DYKE?" my mother was fuming. I stood there in with a blank face. Did my mother really hate me that much, god I have such a great family! My dad calmed her down a bit. "Rarity..." he paused. "You know we do not accept that life style." tears were rolling down my face, "You will break up with applejack...." "and never speak to her again." he said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "NO ABSOLUTELY NOT I LOVE APPLEJACK." I was angry and upset they can't do this. "Our decision is final." my father was looking down. "And if I don't?" my parents must think i'm stupid if i'd ever break up with applejack. "If you don't we will send you to conversation therapy..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

CONVERSION THERAPY?!?! WTF ISNT THAT ILLEGAL?!?! "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I was crying, this can't be happening. I ran into my room balling my eyes out. "RARITY BELLE!!!" my mother ran into my room.


MY MOTHER HIT ME! "You do not talk your parents like that." she sat up and hit me again.


"Worthless garbage, you're a disgrace, always remember that." she smiled. WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS??? I sat there in awe.

What.The.Fuck.Just.Happened. I sat against my door trying to regain my thoughts, I was terrified of the idea that I would have to go to CONVERSION THERAPY. But I couldn't break up with Applejack, I couldn't. And my mother HIT me.

I was crying I was shaking I couldn't calm myself down, I couldn't breath. After finally calming down I took a hot shower and thought. I thought about everything.

As monday morning came around I was regretting it deeply. I decided to at least make myself look presentable. I threw on black skinny jeans, a white blouse and heals. I even put tissues in my bag, today would be the worst day of my life. When I walked down the stairs my mother said to me "Remember you are to never speak to applejack again...." and gave me a fake smile"Have a good day." I looked at her harshly. She knew what's was doing as I walked out the door she grabbed my arm.


"Wanted to remind you that you're a fucking piece of shit." I pushed her off me and ran out. Is this my life now? Just over something I can't control.

Today was going to hard, I knew that. When I arrived at school I saw Applejack. Deep breaths Rarity, deep breaths. When I finally had the courage to go up her, "Applejack..." she tried to give me hug, I backed up slowly, she looked at me confused, "C-can I uh talk to you?" I can't believe I was doing this. "Of course sugarcube" she was smiling.

(Note: idk what to kind!!! I try to make new chapters twice a week! ily❤️✨)

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