chapter 4

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"Well ok then...chicken!" rainbow dash exclaimed, the last part coming off quiet, "Who you callin' chicken?" I yelled, I could not believe she called ME chicken sometimes Rainbow really got on my nerves but I never let it really effect me. "GIRLS!" rarity said, "Now, ladies behave yourselves. Where were we?" god when rarity raised her voice it was so hot. I couldn't help but be absolutely obsessed with everything about her. I never had found a voice 'hot' before but with Rarity

I adored everything about her.

Don't get me wrong I've had crushes before but never something like this, never being in love with everything about a person, never feeling like everything is perfect with them.

Rarity POV:
After hearing applejack has a crush on someone I felt my heart skip a beat and butterflies enter my stomach. My rush of excitement quickly came to an end as I know it couldn't possibly be me.

There were so many thoughts filled in my head, Applejack never left my mind, all of this is so damm confusing. It's too much, I can't take it. My thoughts were interrupted, "Ok well, who's next?" asked pinkie pie with a bright smile, "I'll go next!" said twilight "Ok truth or dare!?" asked pinkie pie "Dare!" twilight said.

It seemed very unlike her even though I didn't know her too well I could tell she wasn't very adventurous.

"Ok I dare you to kiss me." pinkie said, it was definitely a shock though not too much.

Everyone knew they liked each other it's was extremely obvious. Twilight blushed so hard, I don't think I've ever seen her like that.

Twilight kissed pinkie so passionately I think everyone felt a little awkward. Their kissing lasted for minutes finally fluttershy sneezed so softy, which caught twilight off guard and they stopped very quickly.

Though, watching this made my heart ache, so badly. I didn't want to get hurt, I hated the idea of falling in love, again.

"That was definitely something." Applejack said, "Ok well uh let's just continue. Rarity, truth or dare?" fluttershy asked in her soft voice "dare!" I smiled at her, Rainbow dash had  whispered something in Fluttershy's ear which left her wide eyed.

"I dare t-take o-of-off your shirt..." fluttershy mumbled. "FLUTERSHY!" I was so surprised by this that I couldn't help but laugh, everyone else had seemed to be just as shocked as I was, slowly I took off my shirt.

Applejack POV:
We were just playin' truth or dare, something we had done just about a million times. The game was fine, I was more focused on something else, or someone else.

Surprisingly, Fluttershy—of all people—asked Rarity to take off her shirt.

I'm not complaining, if anything I'm thanking Fluttershy. Though Rarity is one of the hottest girls I've ever seen, I was left a blushing mess. It seemed so normal to her but to me I couldn't contain my love.

It was so unlike fluttershy but I loved it. I just couldn't stop staring at how perfect Rarity was, I felt so ashamed of this but I couldn't help myself.
(time skip)
"Ok guys I'm ready for bed how about you guys?" asked rainbow dash

"Yeah I think it's time to hit the hay." I said. Pinkie pie and twilight took the couch, Fluttershy and Rainbow dash went to the bed.

That left Rarity and me.


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