chapter 5

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As me and Rarity were the only ones left we I suggested I take the spare room and she take the other spare room.

She seemed a but disappointed in that idea but I felt so awkward sleeping in the same bed as her. Hell I wish I could but, it was so hard to be around her now without having the urge to spill my guts.

I tossed and turned all night, I just couldn't fall asleep all I could think about was Rarity. She took up all of my thoughts 24/7.

I hated this.

I hated not being able to think straight, or contain myself around her. I desperately wanted to tell her how I felt but, I still wanted to know more. Me and Rarity haven't gotten the chance to be alone and I wish we would, to get the chance.

I just lied there just thinking I have no chance with a girl like her. My heart sunk thinking about it, everything was so difficult, I wanted to scream my heart out but I couldn't, I wanted to hear her laugh and spend time with her but, I couldn't.

Around 2am after no sleep I went to the kitchen to get some water.

I had to be very quiet though I couldn't wake anyone especially, rarity. As I was entered the kitchen I was meet with the beautiful purple haired girl, great.

She look so incredibly gorgeous I just want to kiss her right there. She lifted her head and smiled when she saw me. "Applejack?"

Rarity POV:
When I saw applejack enter the kitchen I felt my heart begin to race, "Applejack, what are you doing up so late darling?" I couldn't sleep which was rare, I usually go to bed quite really, I need my beauty sleep.

"Oh, I just uh couldn't sleep ya know." she muttered, something about her was different, she had an eerie tone.

The truth is I was up thinking about Applejack, of course I was. I couldn't get her off my mind no matter how hard I tried.

"I was just getting some water." I said as I walked closer to her. "Well since we can't sleep why don't we just talk." I suggested "About what?" she asked.

She was so stupid when it came to hints, but stupid hot, "Anything you want to," I narrowed my eyes at her. I couldn't help but fall for her.

She blushed "Well uh sure then." she spoke softly, she looked so perfect.

"So what ya wanna talk 'bout first sugarcube?" applejack said in her sweet country accent.


That word rung in my ears.

"Tell me about your family," I was definitely curious, I was interested in everything about her. "Alright so I don't have too much, there's, Applebloom and Big mac my siblings, granny smith, and way too many cousins and aunts."applejack spoke

"Oh well what about your parents?" I tend to sometimes ask a bit to personal questions sometimes, this was one of them.

"Oh well uh you see..." I could see her face drop and her eyes became darker, "You see sugarcube they died years ago in a car accident..." my heart dropped.

"Darling, I-" I felt terrible, I shouldn't have brought this up "Applejack I'm so sorry," I was racked with guilt.

"Oh sugarcube you don't have to apologize...just hard to talk about ya know." "No I'm sorry let's change the subject," I smiled back at in hopes to make her smile

"No, I wanna hear about your family life." as she wiped tears off her face. "Ok well there's sweetie belle, my little sister, my parents, whom I hate," I was true, I really did hate them.

"Any reason why?" Applejack looked up at me, "You see, it's a long story but," I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell her, or how. "I erm, well I used to date this girl and lets say my parents aren't the most supportive people and erm, they said they would send me away if I didn't brake up with her and well erm," This was awkward to talk about but it felt good to get off my chest.

"I'm so sorry Rarity, but maybe they will learn to accept it and I'm sure it'll get better," She was so caring. We continue to talk, but I still had one question that I was aching to ask, "So applejack," I asked "What girl has caught your eye?" I smiled sweetly.

(note: okay I really like this chapter🙈)

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