Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.15

Start from the beginning

"..Meeting adjourned!-" Zheng Yong flicked his wrist gesturing them to vacate his study as they left he plopped down on his seat he grabs a sheet of paper the proceeded grinding the ink.

Walking back towards her courtyard Cheng Bi Yu found it strange that Zhou Tong continued on the path sticking closely behind she decidedly stops in her tracks turning to Zhou Tong who almost bumped into her, "..
Is there something you need Zhou Tong?—" she questioned radiating a curious dove.

Zhou Tong shifted awkwardly fazed by her question, "..You see-" he rubbed his sweaty palm on his sword handle, "..I just w-wanted t-to walk  you to your courtyard—" he reveals his intention.

"Oh-" Cheng Bi Yu mouth rounded a faint smile played on her lips, "..That's really kind of you Zhou Tong-" she turns facing ahead she marched his silent footsteps towed behind she exhaled glancing back, "..Zhou Tong-" she sweetly called he paused, "..Un?-" he peered at her face,"..At least walk beside me and not behind people might start to think you're my bodyguard,"

"-Un.." Zhou Tong nods approaching with that they walked alongside each other on their journey they chatted casually Zhou Tong held back on the conversations keeping them short.

"You're back!-" Mei-Liang beamed she grabbed her shoulders roughly shaking, "...Why did you take so long! Do you know how worried I was it's already dark!-" Cheng Bi Yu clutched her shoulders feeling dizzy, "..If you keep shaking me like this you're going to scramble my brain-"

"Sorry-" Mei-Liang released her shoulders she then caressed her cheek, "...I'm just worried about you-" she squeezed Cheng Bi Yu reached her palm forth grabbing ahold of Mei-Liang's face, "..I'm worried about you too-" she playfully teased, "..You're so young but look at the wrinkles on your forehead-"

"..You always bully me-" Mei-Liang whined pouting Cheng Bi Yu grinned mushing her cheeks, "..It's because you're too gullible my Mei Mei-"

"..Stop it!-" Mei-Liang pouts even more, "Okay, Okay-" Cheng Bi Yu released her cheeks dressing back she holds her palms up in surrender, ".. Alright no more teasing-" Mei-Liang's fierce glare fizzled.

Mei-Liang bravely asked the question which plague her subconscious, "...How did Miss get back so fast? I don't remember your martial arts skill being that leveled-" she leaned in closer whispering, "...So how'd you actually do it?—"

Cheng Bi Yu smiled cutely ruffled her head, "...Nothing but plain luck—" Mei-Liang pulls back frowning at her messed mane Cheng Bi Yu gently pushed her forward ushering her over to the door. Mei-Liang braced against the wooden frame glancing back, "..Miss I think-"

Cheng Bi Yu pushed harder, "..No more thinking no more questions-" Mei-Liang bit her lip, "..But-" Cheng Bi Yu braced pushing harder, "..Get me some water for my bath and some essential oils-"

Mei-Liang released the frame Cheng Bi Yu who wasn't prepared for her sudden shift tripped, "Oh crap!-" Mei-Liang quickly cushions her fall landing plush on her back she peered up Cheng Bi Yu's loose strands fell down the side of her face, "...Miss you okay?-" she asked concerned.

"..Un-" she shifted her weight, "..You?-" she asked her hot breath fanned against Mei-Liang's face, "...I will if Miss gets off of me-" she breath out.

"..My bad-" Cheng Bi Yu shifts pulling herself up she quickly stands she offered her outstretched hand to Mei-Liang who carefully grasped her palm pulling herself up, "..Are you positive you're not injured?-" her keen eyes scanned her body.

Cheng Bi Yu stretched, "..Not a muscle out of place-" she flexed, "Good!-" Mei-Liang tucks a loose strand behind her ear, "..I'll go prepare your bath-" Cheng Bi Yu nods, "..Yeah you go do that-" she sets off her footsteps creeks against the wooden floor.

Cheng Bi Yu continues to stretched peering up at the mystic moon, "..The moon's even more beautiful in ancient times-" she basked in the promising moonlight.

That night Cheng Bi Yu had an amazing dream, a wet one to be exact, one she hadn't had since she's lost the urge a memory of her past she was
wrapped up in her lover's arm after two hours of vigorous activity her flesh burned all over as sparks surged through her body.

Cheng Bi Yu eyes flew open feeling discomfort her undergarments felt soaked it was morning she just had a wet dream she wasn't a guy who had morning wood but yet she still felt a discomfort.

Cheng Bi Yu groaned throwing off her blanket her eyes widened in horror the nightmare begins. There it was a huge red spot of blood  she was menstruating something that hadn't happened since she started to transmigrate.

"..Crap! Damn! Shit! Goddammit!—" hearing a string of curses Mei-Liang pries her eyes open sitting up she yawned rubbing her tired eyes she turned her head towards the bed getting up from her comforter she slowly approached the bed, "..Miss what's wrong?-" inching closer her eyes focused, "...My lady you're—"

Cheng Bi Yu exclaimed, "-Un. I know I see it." She screwed her lip, "..Just draw me a bath and while I'm in there get rid of the sheets and my undergarments use any means but I'd prefer you burn them we wouldn't want anyone finding out,"

Cheng Bi Yu lifts out of bed hunched she painfully moans clutching her stomach. Mei-Liang rushed scattering to her task afraid to keep Cheng Bi Yu waiting further she quickly fetched the water from the pond fixing a warm bath for Cheng Bi Yu carefully assisting her in satisfied she left.

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