A Beautiful Confession.

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(Too lazy to draw so I made them in Gacha club)

Ok. This outfit kinda fits me I guess. Hmm. One thing is still missing. I need a hat.

Oh yea! The flower crown! That would work as a hat!

Ah. There we go. Don't I look sooooooo cute?

Shoot. I lost the track of time! I have 30 minutes. Hmm. What am I going to do to pass the time?

Oh I know. I will watch 'Dora the explorer' till then. That is one of Pap's favourite shows.

Hmm. 5 minutes left. I guess I will go now.

I teleported to the garden. When I did what I saw was..

The gateway was decorated with Christmas lights. Inside, instead of the the bright white lamps, there were Gaster blaster at the top of the poles, giving bright blue lights all around.💙❤

There were glittering blue stars✨⭐ everywhere. At the trees, the flowers, the bushes. The path was glowing bright blue.💙💙🌿🍂

There were beautiful starts in the Night sky. There was the Moon. Right below the moon was the Tree. The Christmas Tree from Snowdin. It has grown a lot now. 🎄🌲

I went near the tree. Under its shade, there were more Christmas lights and the blue stars.💡⚡🌃✨

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I looked around to See Red. With each and every step he took. The atmosphere was slowly turning Red in colour.

All the lights, Stars Lamps, and the blue path were red now. He stood right infront of me. Under the shade of the Christmas tree.

Red- "Heya Classic."
"Hey Red."

He looked Magnificent. He had the Red flower crown in his head. Sure the kind of thing he was wearing was not really his style, but hey. I am not wearing my kind of style either.

"So.. Why did you call me here? And what's up with all this?"

Red- "Ya see, I called ya here ta.. uh.. tell ya something."

"And that is?"
I tried to play it cool as long as possible.

Red- "Classic, we 'ave been in the Surface fer 3 years now. At first, I didn't really believe in this feeling kind of stuff. In Underfell, da only LOVE we had was Level Of Violence.
But den.. I met ya.. Ya changed my whole damn life. Talked ta me, helped me with studies, stood fer me in times, and made friends with me. A complete edgy weirdo. I am really, really grateful fer dat."

Wow. I didn't know he could act like a complete gentleman if needed to.

Red- "We all were having a great time in here 'til a tragedy happened. After Fell's brother passed away, ya were dere fer Fell all da time, Ya cared fer him more dan anybody, dat's when I noticed, how ya have a kind character behind dat smile, how ya had a mother behaviour, how I had fallen fer ya.."

I felt my cheeks glow bright blue. He liked me for two years!? Wow. I am surprised how he bottled up his emotions that well that I didn't even noticed he liked me.

Red- "It's a beautiful time out here, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, stars are twinkling, da Moon is glowing. On times like these, I will ask ya a simple question. Will ya be my one and bonely?"

As soon as he said that. The flower crown on both of our heads started to glow blue and red together. The atmosphere was now half blue and half red.

I am feeling that today is my lucky time.

Without any hesitation, I said
"Of course."

We kissed. In the night of a thousand stars, there were blue and red flowers everywhere. I pulled back, a blue glow in my face. I saw a red one at Red's. Then suddenly.



Blueberry- "That was adorable Red. You need to teach me how to confess when I confess to Dust!"

I saw Dust growing a bright purple blush on his face.

Dream- "Anyways, But that was awesome! Congratulations to you two!"

Killer- "Man, this picture is definitely going to the 'School's memories' board.

Nightmare- "Wow. This place looks lit up."

Error- "I know light?"


"Aww Paps, Dont shock at them today."


Ink- "Omg, Cinnamon said a joke."

Bijayeta- "Now, now don't turn off his day like that."

Cinnamon- "THATS.. ENOUGH!

Red- "Looks like da Circuit's on fire today.."

1243 words
Sorry for bad puns.
Congratulations Classic.
Peace out ✌
13th September 2020.

Highschool Stories. (undertale Aus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz