Chapter 23

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Levi POV -

When I woke up again it was later in the afternoon. Mom and Leon were up and already babying me as soon as I opened my eyes. It was odd to see my mom care enough about me to talk to me, let alone use sign language.

"I'm fine." I signed back to Leon. Completely ignoring my mom until I figured out what her intentions were. She was never nice to me, so I don't understand what her agenda is this time. She frowned once she realized the lack of attention I was giving her.

Leon nodded in response. "What would you like for breakfast?" He signed back. I frowned. I had no idea. I wasn't hungry. I still felt a bit dizzy and sick. I didn't want to eat.

Roman squeezed my hand a bit as if to pull me out of my head. "Would you like some oatmeal and hot chocolate? My grandma heard you were in the hospital and made you her special hot chocolate." Roman said grabbing my attention. I couldn't help but focus on his beautiful piercing gray eyes. "I also made oatmeal with my mom, but it kinda doesn't taste as good cause I put to much milk." He added when he noticed I didn't reply. His face turned red fast as he turned sheepish. It was weird seeing him blush.

I nodded excited to taste the special hot chocolate. It's been so long since I've had hot chocolate.

Roman grinned and handed me the thermos and container of oatmeal. Surprisingly the oatmeal was still warm. And he was right it was very milky, but I liked it. The hot chocolate was amazing though. I couldn't help, but drink it as fast as possible.

By the time I finished my breakfast the doctors came into the room to talk to my parents. My Dad and his girlfriend were in my room just on their phones. My brothers were all here as well as Daniel and Harry, but they stayed in the waiting room. It was weird to me because I've never met his girlfriend nor did I want to. Having so many family members here for me was supposed to be comforting when in reality I didn't even want to be around half of them. They were the cause of years of torment.

The tall doctor looked kinda scary. He was bald with a very sharp nose kinda like a bird. "I only would like to speak to the parents." He requested. Roman left along with Dad's blonde girlfriend. She looked really young. This left Dad, Mom and Leon in the room.

"Levi will be fine to leave by tonight. The extra stress along with lack of sleep was what triggered his seizure last night." Mom and Dad nodded taking in the doctors words. "The wound at the back of his head was what we were truly worried about. Luckily it was just a scratch and we stitched it up and bandaged it. He needs to be careful and limit his stress. No sports for awhile until we give him the okay. I will write him a doctors note for missing school today and tomorrow. Rest should be the number one priority for him right now."

The doctor wrote up a note for pain medicine to take for my head and then left.

All three heads turned to me and I turned bright red. "How about once we get home we'll have a movie night? I know you have to be resting all day, but after a quick nap we can watch your favorite movies and cuddle." Leon signed. I grinned. Leon's cuddles are the best.

"No!" My father said sternly. He looked so angry. "He is coming back home with me and Sharon. He clearly isn't safe in your hands."

My eyes immediately welled up with tears. I couldn't go back there. My siblings would kill me. I was finally starting to be less hated in this family. Plus who would cuddle me. I need Leon.

Leon and my father we're going back and forth with their argument but I couldn't focus on reading their lips. All I could do was curl up and cry.

"I don't wanna go back!" I wailed. I was sobbing like a child but I truly was scared. Everyone looked at me in shock. I've never even talked to my father before and here I am yelling at him. "Please don't make me go! I don't wanna leave Leon." I sobbed even harder. The thought of leaving the only person who truly felt like a father hurt.

Leon quickly swooped me up in a hug and held me to his chest. My snot and tears rubbing all over his shirt. I could feel his chest rumbling as if he were speaking and it kinda felt good. His warmth spread throughout my body and I never wanted to let go.

He wiped my tears and made me look at him. "Don't worry. No one is taking you. You're coming home with us." He signed. I nodded and went back to holding him tightly.

By the time we got home it was evening. I was really hungry and tired so Leon let me eat ice cream.
All that crying I did was exhausting. On the car ride home we didn't ride with Harry and Daniel they took their own cars because Leon was still really mad at them.

I could tell with the looks on their faces that they wanted to apologize, but I didn't know how to accept it. How to just accept their apology even though I got seriously injured in their care I guess it's not all on them though, it's kind of my fault for having epilepsy and hitting my head on the table.

While I walked to my room I started to wonder if I could ever fit in. I've been bullied my entire life and have never actually loved anyone. I wish I could be like other people and just hug my family and say "I love you" and they say it back. But I know that's impossible seeing as how I barely know what family is.

My entire life has been confusing. I couldn't help but start sobbing again in my room. I cried at the hospital and now I'm crying again. I hate being me. I'm so weak.

My sobbing must've been loud since it caught the attention of Leon. As he struts in with his perfect posture and expensive suit, I try to wipe my tears quickly even though he's already seen them.

Instead of speaking to me like I expected, he takes a seat beside me and holds me tight against him. His warmth felt so welcoming. I wondered if this is what love felt like.

"Leon do you love me?" I asked. I was still sniffling hard and I couldn't sign because of how shaky my hands are right now.

He pulled back from the hug so I could see him. "Of course I do."

With shock written all over my face I signed back quickly, "Really? Why?"

"Why what?" A frown settles across his face.

I sniffled against his chest. "Why do you love someone like me?"

"What do you mean why would I love someone like you? You're special. You have a heart made of gold and I just want to cherish the innocence you've never gotten to experience. I love you because you make my days brighter. Your rare smiles remind me daily to keep pushing through it even on my darkest days. You're inspiring to me Levi. I can't imagine you not in my life anymore."

For the first time in my life I wished I could hear his voice. Of course I had wished to hear before, but that was because of self hatred, now all I want to do is make sure I'm truly understanding what this crazy man is saying.

My jaw dropped. I didn't expect that. How does someone find me inspirational. I haven't even done anything. Someone like Opera and Beyoncé is inspiring not me. Or like Captain America and Batman. I'm not inspiring one bit. I haven't helped anyone nor have I overcome a challenge to make me stronger. My life is a living hell, but I haven't overcome it nor have I tried to.

"Leon you're lying." That was the only explanation I could come up with.

"You think I'm lying? Levi you getting out of bed every morning knowing that you have had one of the hardest lives I've ever seen a 10 year old have is inspiring. You live in a world of hearing people and you still don't allow that to stop you. It's hard for you to speak sometimes and yet you still do. I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but I'm proud of you Levi. I'm so proud of you."

By now I was reduced to tears. I launched myself into his arms. No one has ever been proud of me. I don't even know what there is to be proud of.

"I love you Leon." I said. My throat was raw from all the crying I've done these past few days.

"I love you too."

And within seconds I found myself trusting Leon enough to sleep on him. And boy did it feel good to finally trust someone.

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