Chapter 3 - Masking

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Levi POV

When I got up this morning I was hoping to make it through the day unseen. I put on a black hoodie and black pants hoping to hide my nose from students at school. It was swollen and the ice didn't really do much to help.

My clothes were all dark colors which made others in my class call me a freak. I just didn't want to wear bright colors how did that make me a freak? But then again everything about me makes me a freak.

I shook my head and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. After seeing only my siblings at the table I turned around and went to wait by the door. Sitting with my siblings alone is like a death wish.

Sadly my day was over when Alex dragged me back to the table by my shirt. He sat me down and they all glared at me. I looked down quickly avoiding their gaze.

Marcus lifted my chin up and looked me in the eye. I flinched seeing the glare and wanted to leave. I fidgeted with my fingers in my seat until Alex and Maya ripped my arms from my grip and held down my arms on the table and dug their nails into my wrists. I was sure that I would have bruises.

Marcus made me look him in the eye again "We have a football game tonight. You're coming. Just act cute in front of the girls and smile."

I quickly shook my head. When they asked me to do things I never did them right which resulted in pain.

"It's funny you think you have a choice. You're doing it. We're going to sell the whole disability thing too. The chicks are going to see me as a loving brother and I'm going to be a happy camper. When I'm happy everyone's happy." He grinned evilly. I wanted to cry at just the intimidation but then they would make fun of me.

I could feel blood pooling at my now open cuts on my wrists that Maya and Alex were making with their nails.

I settled for my eyes watering and I nodded quickly. They smirked and finally let me go.

I ran to the door and sat there waiting for Marcus to drive me to school.

The car ride was silent except for Maya's obnoxious music.

When I finally got to school everyone in my class started looking at me, more specifically my nose.

I managed to escape school with only a few bruises on my abdomen. I was walking out when Lucas confronted me for the second time today. I flinched in fear as he came closer.

"Calm down, Jumpy. I just wanted you to know that Ms.Sonya said you have to tutor me in math. Because apparently I'm falling behind and you can help." He groaned. I stood there blankly, my mind not being able to process anything when he was close to me.

He raised his eyebrow at me and that's when I got the hint to nod. I always nodded even when I didn't even know the question. All I needed to know was that this person had the power to beat me up and if I didn't want that to happen then I would have to comply with their wishes.

He looked satisfied with my answer and left. I was about to walk home not even bothering to see if Marcus waited for me when he honked from his car. I looked at him confused. Why did he wait for me? I was late.

I walked to his car shaking in fear. My whole day was spent in fear and I honestly didn't want to have another reason to be scared of Marcus.

I went to his window to see what he wanted and he blew a puff of smoke in my face. I started coughing and hacking as my lungs struggled to breath. He smirked and gestured for me to get in the back of his car.

I followed his instructions and got in. The whole car smelled of smoke and Marcus didn't roll down any windows as he puffed out another smoke bubble.

This time I made sure to look at him the whole time so I made sure I didn't get another face to the window.

After five minutes the twins hopped in the back of the car. I focused my attention solely on Marcus who wasn't saying anything at the moment but I couldn't be too sure.

"What the hell are you looking at!?" He shouted pissed at me now turning to face me. I would try to tell him that last time I didn't pay attention to what he was saying he pushed my face against the glass but I knew he wouldn't understand so I turned towards the window.

When we got home I ran inside per usual and locked myself in my room.

I was starting my homework when I was suddenly slapped on the back of my head. I fell out of my chair and onto the floor holding my elbow in pain.

Tears welled in my eyes as I felt my arm bruise.

I looked up and saw Ryan. He smirked and then I looked at my door which was opened with a key. I kept forgetting my room was the only room in the house with a key lock. It was because last time I locked the door and went to sleep my parents were banging on my door for hours and then it eventually got to the point where they had to climb in through the window.

I got up off the floor and sat on my bed frowning at Ryan. It wasn't long before his twin and Marcus came in the room.

"Okay, so here's the plan for tonight," Alex began as he sat next to me. I scooted backwards on the bed away from him. He either didn't notice or didn't acknowledge it. "So first, Maya is going to fix your nose with Google. Then she's going to put make up on it. We have to leave early for practice and you're coming with us. So is Maya because she's a cheerleader. Then after the game you're going to follow us and pretend we're a big happy family. This includes lots of smiles and happiness. We're going to dress you up in normal seven year old clothes not the weird dark outfits you always wear." I winced when he called me seven. I knew he hated me but that one hurt.

I nodded instead of correcting him. I don't know how to do that anyways since they are all cornering me and my pad and pencil is all the way across the room.

They finally left and I started doing my homework again. I was about finishing when I was interrupted again by Maya who had her phone out.

"Okay so Google says just to ice it and elevate your face. I'm not sure if you're supposed to take pain medicine cause two different websites are contradicting each other so you just won't take any. We need the swelling to go down before tonight's game so go get an ice pack and elevate your face." She said before walking out again.

I shook my head and sighed. I hate my life.

That thought made my chest burn because I did truly hate my life. I tried to think about the fact that some people have it worse but that just dampened my mood even further.

Before any of my siblings would come in and yell at me I went downstairs to get an ice pack. I sat at the kitchen counter icing it with my head back. I sighed when it started to numb up my face.

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