Chapter 12 - Big Changes

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Leon POV
It was decided two weeks later that after me and Emma got married in two weeks that she and her son would move into our house.

Her other children decided that it was best for them to stay with their father. Mostly because they all hated me. I didnt tell them about my money as to not alter their decision. I don't like gold diggers. Never have never would.

I've dealt with them in the past seeing as how my job as a neurosurgeon does not pay lightly.

I've already started preparing Levi's room for him. Thankfully the boys were excited. Not too much about having a new mom but about having a younger brother.

For now though, Emma and I were on a date with her son and my kids. So far I think it was going great.

Levi POV

When mom told me Leon had sons of his own I immediately regretted my decision. I would rather be home locked in my room then with two boys who definitely have the strength to beat me up. All they need is a reason and I'm dead.

I broke down in my room right before Marcus dragged me out and forced me to leave with Mom. Apparently they've been trying to be nicer to me but I am just so scared of them that I didn't even notice.

They give me rides to and from school without complaint. And Marcus doesn't tell at me anymore which is good because his pissed off face scared the shit out of me. I never pay attention to when he's yelling so that it doesn't break me even more.

Noah formally met Leon because he wanted to be sure I was safe. No one told him that he has two sons though. I feel like if we did he would never give Leon the okay to be my stepfather. It doesn't matter anyways because I've already made my decision. I like Leon anyways. He's like the father I never had.

I shook my head of those thoughts quickly. I have a father. He just doesn't show love correctly. But one day he will. I hope.

I was knocked out of my thoughts as the boys across from me threw a grape at my forehead.

"So tell us about yourself , Levi." The blonde one said as he chewed with his mouth open. I cringed in disgust.

I don't know if anyone told them I'm deaf and mute. Well most of the time.

I shrugged and pointed to my ears trying to get the attention of Leon so he could tell them.

"Oh, Boys, sorry I forgot to mention; Levi is deaf as well as mute. He only uses sign language to communicate. Hopefully he'll warm up to you guys enough to talk to you at one point though." Leon said with a bright smile.

The boys looked at me, curiously. It was silent for a few minutes until the brunette spoke up.

"So I don't know sign language but I could learn some other time though. For now we could just ask basic yes or no questions. Does that work for you?"

I nodded hesitantly.

"Do you play video games?"

I shook my head.

They both gasped in shock. Leon smiled in amusement at their dramatics.

"How!?" They exclaimed in shock. "As soon as we can you're gonna play the Xbox with us. It's so fun. You might suck at first because we both did but it's really fun."

I nodded and felt my fear float away as they talked all about video games. I was mostly into comics but I didn't know how to tell them that. Luckily mom came to my rescue.

"Levi loves comics." She said. That was all she said. She didn't go in depth about the non-existent collection that I wish I had. Or about how I had to buy every single one I had. Or about how her and Dad denied me every time I asked because apparently my speech therapy that I don't want to do costs too much even though my siblings have an allowance that could buy me three comic books each day.

I instead just nodded.

"Oh. We don't really read comics anymore. But that's good news for you because that means you can have all our old ones. That is if you want it?" The blonde one said with a bright smile.

I nodded furiously. But I really wanted to know their names.

I tapped Leon and made him lean his ear down to my mouth.

"Name." I whispered quietly hoping he would get the message.

"Oh! That's right!" He spoke after a few seconds of thinking. "Their names are Harry and Daniel." He said pointing to the brunette then to the blonde.

I nodded.

Their names suited them. I liked them so far. They were great. Why couldn't these be my real brothers?

The dinner continued with warm smiled and giggles from me. I loved this new family. I have hope now. I really hope they don't find out I have epilepsy though. That would make me seem like even more of a freak and I want them to like me.

By the time we got home Dad was already asleep in the guest room.

I walked straight to my room which was a mistake seeing as how Marcus was there.

I turned to run away but before I could he grabbed me and lifted me up on his shoulders before dropping me on the bed.

I started trembling violently thinking of all the things Marcus could do to me.

"Stop crying." I didn't even notice I was crying. I wiped my tears quickly though. "I just wanted to talk. I know I've been an asshole to you your whole life. And I'm sorry."

The words he was saying didn't register with me. I stared at him blankly. There was only one thought running through my head. What the hell is happening?

"I know you probably don't believe me but I am sorry. I don't hate you. I thought I did but in reality I was just angry. I was angry because it was just easier to be. It was easy to blame you for everything in my life. Like how Mom and Dad have slept in separate rooms for the past four years. And how they don't believe I'll ever amount to anything. And how you somehow managed to steal my best friend from me. And how you made most of my friends as kids leave because they were weirded out by your deafness. What I did was truly unfair and it wasn't right. And for that I apologise."

Instead of listening to his lies and ending this with a hug like in movies, I ran as fast as I could to the basement.

I already had my blanket and pillow here so I quickly changed out of my dress clothes and slept in my t shirt and underwear.

I don't think I've ever cried harder in my life that I did tonight.

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