Chapter 6 - Aftermath

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Levi POV

When I was waking up this morning I knew I wasn't in my bed. I winced as I moved which put pressure on my ribs.

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was still in the hospital. I sighed irritated.

My family was sleeping on on the couches and chairs next to me.

As soon as they entered the room yesterday I pretended to be asleep.

As soon as Marcus stirred I snapped my eyes shut pretending to sleep. This could only work for so long I realized when I opened my eyes slightly to look at the time. It was almost noon.

Usually my parents are supposed to be at work by this time.

I saw the rest of my family waking up and went back to pretending I was asleep.

It worked for awhile until I hit my leg against the bed railing in one of my timed movements and let out a whimper.

My dad shook me awake so I could look at him while he signed to me.

'We know you are light.' He signed slowly. I knew he was rusty but I didn't know he was that clueless.

I looked at him in confusion. I'm light?

He tried again but when I still didn't understand he just decided to say it, "We know you are awake." I nodded showing my understanding. Damn, now my parents are forgetting how to sign. It didn't help that I couldn't sign anymore since my wrist hurt everytime I tried.

"I'm going to get breakfast. What would you like?" I looked at him in confusion. I understood what he said but why would he get me breakfast. He never does that.

I didn't know how to communicate to any of them considering none of us could sign nor could I write very well because of my wrist and I knew they'd make fun of me for it.

I just shook my head basically telling him that I didn't want breakfast. It was easier than attempting to communicate with him.

"You have to eat, bud." He says tiredly.

Not wanted to annoy him further I nod. "Okay so what do you want to eat?" I shrugged not really knowing how to answer that. I really wanted oatmeal which is what I ate literally every morning but I didn't want to tell him that in the only way I could because I'd get made fun of.

"Years of paying for speech therapy and this is the response I get." He sighs. I just hung my head in shame, partially because I didn't want to read his lips anymore if he was saying mean things.

Maya POV

When we were signing forms for Levi I looked at the birthday date that was on the sheet and noticed that he was 9 not seven. Another thing was that his birthday was two weeks ago.

I felt guilty knowing that we forgot. It's actually better that we forgot. If we remembered the boys would've beat the shit out of him and called it his birthday licks. Maybe that's why he didn't tell us.

When we finally got back to the room after the doctor explained his condition Levi was already asleep.

He looked like he went through hell. His face was bruised and swollen and he had a faint choke mark on his neck. The bandage he had wrapped around his head pained me to look at. The cast on his arm and all the needles made me sick. What was even worse was how small he looked. Not only was he too skinny for my liking but the way he curled up as small as he could into a ball as if he were trying to protect himself from us.

I sat down next to mom and glared at my brothers across the room. They were the cause of this. I knew Levi would never forgive us but then again how would I know. I don't even know his favorite color. I've never actually held a conversation with him now that I think about it. It wasn't my fault though, he was mute and I didn't know sign language.

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