Part 25

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Roman POV

The fall air was so nice to breathe in this morning. I couldn't wait for winter. It has to be my favorite season. Especially because I could see Levi's cute blush every time he stepped into cold air.

I couldn't help but smile a little as I thought of Levi. My parents told me that I'm not allowed to date until I'm 18 and that I should focus on school, but I didn't want to date anyways. Dating seems gross and uncomfortable, but with Levi I just wanted to hug him all the time. Relationships are so weird though. I don't understand why you have to spend money and get jealous. Why can't you just hug people and leave it at that?

The confusion was making me frown, so I decided to focus on getting to Levi's house for now.

Yesterday he went to therapy and I finally got my cast off, so today his parents said we could hang out to help him not stress about it. So now I'm biking to his house with my gross little sister, Ria. She's only six, but she has the attitude of my mom.

We arrived at his house and I pressed the door bell.

Before anyone could open the door Ria spokes up. "Roman, why do we have to hang out with your friend? I bet he's weird. I want to be with Lucia not some dumb boy."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This girl always had a problem with everything.

I grab her hand roughly and pop her hand. It was light, but as a six year old she's sensitive, and I didn't miss her eyes tearing up. "Shut up Ria or I'll leave you outside alone."

It took literally seconds for tears to flow down her face. I groaned loudly. This is I hate young children.

"Are you really going to leave me here?" She cried loudly while stomping her foot.

Before I could respond, the door opened and Levi came out. He looked at us in shock.

"I swear I didn't hurt her." I blurted. I could feel my cheeks turn red as Levi looked at us in utter shock.

Without saying a word he just waved us inside and followed in after us. But stupid ass Ria had to open her mouth again. "Yes you did. You're a bully and I'm telling mom on you so she can beat your ass."

I popped her once in her forehead for cursing and she cried even louder. I sighed and just decided to let her cry it out. I turned to Levi and grinned sheepishly. "Yea sorry my mom made me bring my little sister Ria." He nodded understandingly and I turned back to Ria. "Ria say hi to Levi." In response she just started screeching. "Shes a bit of a drama queen." I said whilst scratching my neck awkwardly.

Levi nodded. "That's okay Roman. She's adorable. And she looks so much like you. Except she has brown eyes." He signed.

This is why I like him so much. He's so kind and understanding. But I was a bit confused why he didn't just speak to me. I knew he could, so why was he silent? Ignoring it, I just smiled.

"Ugh please don't compare me to that gremlin. Anyways let's go play this new game I got. I brought my Xbox." I said before turning upstairs and dragging a whining Ria along.

Levi grabbed my arm to turn me before I could get up the stairs. "What about Ria?" he signed.

"She'll be fine. I brought her iPad, so she'll be busy." We continued up the stairs and he led m to his room.

After threatening Ria a few more times she finally shut up and sat quietly. I gave her her headphones and iPad and surprisingly she stopped fussing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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