Chapter 4 - Fake Smiles

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Levi POV

By the time we got to the game I already felt uncomfortable. My nose was itching under the make up but I was too scared to itch it because the twins and Marcus would kill me if I ruined their night.

The game had already started and while everyone was talking and cheering on the players I sat on the bleachers lonely and bored. I started staring off into space when suddenly the whole crowd of people in the bleachers stood up and started hollering. They were so loud my seat started vibrating. The majority seemed happy so I hoped that was a good thing.

I looked down to see Marcus smile at the cheerleaders who blushed except Maya and a few others. So if Marcus was happy and the game ended that meant they won right?

My theory was correct when their whole team tackled Marcus in a hug like manner.

I waited thirty minutes for my brothers to come out of the locker room and when they did they forced me to smile. They threw one of their smelly jerseys on me and their hat in an attempt to make me look cute. This made me look stupid but I complied since Alex had the grip of the hulk on my shoulder. As he spotted a girl he lifted me up playfully and started tickling me on my stomach. I wasn't ticklish anywhere except under my pits so I looked at him confused. Was I supposed to laugh?

When the girl walked up. Ryan and Marcus walked away.

"Hey, Alex." She said twirling her hair, blushing. I wanted to laugh at her but I was scared to. I hated laughing. Alex looked down at me with his piercing blues as he raised an eyebrow as if to ask, "Are you ready?"

He swung me on his shoulders with ease and let out what I could only guess was a laugh.

"Hey, Veronica. This is my kid brother, Levine but Levi for short." He smiled, his perfect rows twinkling with the light.

She looked at me and quickly remembering what they told me to do I smiled. Although it was fake she bought it. I waved at her and she smiled back.

Alex put me down on the ground probably so he can monitor my facial expressions.

"Hey, Levi, I'm Veronica." She squatted down to my height. "You're so cute, how old are you?"

I looked up at Alex. I didn't know what to say. 10 or 7.

Alex chuckled nervously. "He's just a bit shy. It comes with his deafness. He doesn't like speaking much. He's scared it won't sound normal. He's seven though. Me and my brothers are going for milkshakes later. Wanna come?" He asked. I looked away realizing that he didn't need me anymore. I wanted to go home. He never said anything about getting milkshakes, before.

She agreed quickly and kissed his cheek and mine. I quickly wiped off her nasty red lipstick as Alex walked with a proud smile and led me to Marcus where I proceeded to do the same thing on a girl named Sofia. The next girl I did it to was Bea for Ryan.

By the time we finished I just wanted to take a nap. But before I could get in the car Marcus sped off without me.

I was scared of walking home at night. And even if I did walk home, no one was home to let me in.

Instead of crying over it I started walking. I had nothing with me to protect myself from kidnappers and the fact that I was deaf didn't help either.

I walked home as fast as I could and then waited on my doorstep for my brothers. I don't know how long I waited but I eventually took a nap on the doorstep.

Ryan POV

By the time we finished at the Milkshake Factory I realized Levi wasn't with us.

I asked Alex where he was but he shrugged and said probably in the bathroom. I went to go check but he wasn't there. Now I was panicking. Mom and Dad would kill us if we lost him.

"Marcus, Levi is missing!" I shouted across the table. Marcus at first shrugged me off until he realized what I said. He quickly got up throwing Sofia off his lap and ran out to get his car. We followed behind him with the girls in the back. Maya was having a sleepover at her friends house so we knew she wasn't with him.

We drove back to the field and started shouting his name. And with our bad luck he wasn't there.

We decided to drive a bit hoping he walked home or something but at the same time I was worried. A deaf seven year old walking around at 11pm was not a good thing.

We finally found him on the doorstep where he was sleeping. Irritated that we just spent all night looking for him while he slept on the doorstep, I kicked him in his gut. He groaned and curled up more, clenching his eyelids in pain. What can I say? He deserved it.

Levi POV

After Ryan kicked me in the guts I felt like puking but when I did I coughed up blood. I started coughing violently on the doorstep while everyone was upstairs.

After I was done I went upstairs to clean myself up. After all it wasn't the first time this has happened before.

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