Chapter 19 - Game Day Part 1

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Levi POV

Today was Harry's game day. I've never seen a basketball game so I was kind of excited. Especially because they liked me. I'm so happy that Daniel and Harry are my brothers, but I really hope I don't screw it up.

Mom and Leon are still gonna be gone for another week so they unfortunately have to miss it, but they will call tonight at dinner which I'm excited for. Mom has been much nicer to me ever since Leon came around and I've never been happier. She ordered me comics that Roman recommended to her and I'm waiting for Roman to come over so we can read it together. Another thing I'm excited for is Roman got a new game and Mom already set up a sleepover for us next week.

These few days have been going so well and I'm excited but nervous. It seems too good to be true.

I'm immediately knocked out of thoughts as Harry bursts into my room and attacks me with tickles. I scream in laughter.

Daniel also comes in and starts yelling but I can't focus on what he's saying.

Harry finally lets me go and I'm breathing hard like a dog. I grin when I see Daniel with mom's cooking apron.

"I made breakfast." He signed. I looked at him in shock and without a second thought I tackle him in a big hug. It may not seem big but knowing that he learned a sentence just for me makes my heart soar. I've only been able to communicate with the people closest to me and it gets lonely sometimes and makes me feel like an outcast.

I feel him laugh as he picks me up. I squeal awkwardly. I don't really know how I sound but I knew I was loud when Daniel winced.

I giggled when he closed his nose and commented on my breath. I blew my nasty breath in his face and took off when he frowned. I locked myself in the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I opened the door slowly looking left and right for where he was. I made my way down the hall, hopefully quietly.

Before I could reach the door at the end of the hall the door to a closet opened and Daniel popped out scaring the piss out of me.

I squealed and ran the opposite way but he caught me quickly. He brought me in his arms and I took in his warmth for as long as possible. As far as I'm concerned he's hugging me and I'm going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

Sadly the moment came to an end when he put me down. I looked into his brown eyes as his bore into mine before he grinned and ruffled my hair.

"Come in kid let's go before Harry eats everything." He gestured towards the stairs and I followed him down to the kitchen. Harry was swallowing all the food and I picked up my pace to get to the table. Luckily I managed to get a decent amount.

Breakfast was fun and we talked a lot. It was way better than when I was with my other brothers. They were mean. Just the thought made me shiver. As if Daniel was a mind reader he looked at me with concern.

"So, you ever miss your siblings? Dad told us how your mom left your siblings and father behind but he never said why. We've only met them once and that was at the wedding." I know he's asking because he's curious but I couldn't help but frown.

I shrugged not wanting to answer because I felt guilty. I don't know why I did but I truly felt guilty. I didn't miss them one bit. If I had it my way I would've chosen to have been born in this family.

An awkward silence came after my response and I started blushing because all the attention was on me. I ate my food quietly and breakfast ended that way.

After breakfast Daniel and Harry dropped me off at school.

I was kind of nervous because I knew Lucas was going to be waiting to beat me up, but on the bright side Roman was going to be there. He's a grade above me so he's not in my class, but I can see him during lunch.

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