Chapter 20 - Game Day Part 2

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Apparently Harry's basketball game was going to take hours and by the time we came home it was going to be late. Luckily I finished my homework as soon as we came back home.

Now me and Daniel we driving to the game because Harry went with his friends a few hours before us.

When we finally got there I was in awe. I wasn't expecting their school to be so big. I guess I should've expected this from a private school.

Daniel took my hand and we walked through the huge crowds of people straight to the locker room where Harry would be.

I blushed hard as I saw all the half naked men in the room. I didn't know if it were normal to want to keep looking at them. I blushed even harder when one of them made eye contact with me. I averted my gaze quickly back to Harry and Daniel.

"Why would you bring him in here?" Harry looked upset and I didn't know why. I was confused. Did he not want me here? I wouldn't be surprised. But I thought we were becoming friends now.

"Why wouldn't I ? We just came to wish you good luck. I always wish you good luck before a game." Daniel looked as confused as I was.

"He's a fairy Daniel. You can tell just by the way he looks at his friend. I don't want him looking at my friends like that." His words made me even more confused. What the hell is a fairy? And how do I look at Roman? It was one thing when people hated me for being deaf, but now I was lost. Harry didn't mind me being deaf before so this clearly isn't the problem. Am I not supposed to look at boys the way I do? Is it wrong to feel like kissing Roman the way adults do? The confusion was giving me a headache. I had all these questions.

Harry and Daniel were still talking but I didn't feel like reading their lips anymore. It was going to make me more confused.

Before I knew it Daniel led us out of the room and towards the gym. It was huge. The basketball court looked like it would cause agony just running back and forth on it. We met up with Carter and Malia at the bleachers. Daniel talked to Carter the entire time while Malia attempted to start a conversation with me. I liked Malia. I really did but right now my thoughts weren't allowing me to focus on our conversation.

"Malia, what's a fairy?" I asked. My throat was raw and hurting, but I was determined to get my words across.

She looked at me in shock. "What do you mean?"

"Harry said I was a fairy. Is that a bad thing?"

"Oh. Um... I'll talk to Harry about this. He was referring to how you and Roman act like you're more than friends even though you're both boys. He was not being nice though. If someone ever calls you that again tell me okay."

"So it's not normal to like Roman the way Harry likes you?"

"Um... I..." she stuttered really hard and I was wondering if she was okay. All I could see were her lips moving oddly and I could only guess she was stuttering cause she kept repeating the same thing over and over. "It is not a bad thing to like boys Levi. It does make you a bit different than others but it doesn't mean that it's wrong. You just like different things and it's perfectly normal. You might face some bad reactions from people and you might have to be stronger, but you will always have the people who truly love you by your side."

"But how am I supposed to be strong? Being deaf is already tough and now some people might not like me because I'm a fairy?" I truly felt like crying. I didn't know that liking boys would cause more problems. I was so upset that I now have another horrible thing about me that I couldn't change.

"Levi it's okay. Don't call yourself that word. It's offensive. Take me for example. My skin color does set me back sometimes because of other people's feelings towards me, but I am perfectly fine because I have no other choice, but to be strong. Even when people say things that are mean and offensive and even though it hurts I choose not to believe them."

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