I sat in class waiting for the final school bell to ring. I was bored to death and I wanted to go home so bad because I wanted to get some sleep before I have my first ever shift at Andy's fast food restaurant.

"...and now before I let you go, I have to tell you some announcements," Mr. Sanders started. Everyone had became silent. He continued,"As we all know, the drama club will be having a series of plays for their upcoming fund-raising charity event for the town's orphanage for disabled children. We'll be selling out tickets for those who wants to watch or for those who just wants to help. Mr. Roman Prince, your class' Vice President and President of the drama club, is where you'll find the tickets," He gestured to Roman who stood up from his seat and went infront.

"But if you don't have money or can't afford it, we would very much appreciate it if you guys help us in selling them, especially to those who have friends from outside our school," Roman added with a smile. He took out small rectangular pieces of paper that were in a bundle, all tied together using a rubber band. The pieces of paper showed something in printed letters and it looked very colorful. "These are what the tickets look like. The tickets has the schedules, location, date and time of the plays. And for us to identify if the tickets are authentic or not, our Principal and Mr. Sanders put their signatures on it," He finished explaining.

Our classmates nodded at the announcement. Some were interested to help, some looked extremely bored as I am, some were planning on coming just so they could see Roman and the other good-looking actors and actresses from the drama club. I just watched with bored eyes. I already knew about this, Andy announced this yesterday at our club meeting because the music club will also be part of stage crew of the play. Mainly on music, lighting and sound effects.

After the announcements were done, Mr. Sanders dismissed us and finally I could go home. I grabbed my bag and swiftly got out of the classroom, walking straight to my locker. It was a good thing that we don't have club activities today, that means more sleep. Once I reached my locker, I opened my bag and started grabbing unnecessary books from inside then putting it inside the locker. I stopped when I notice the circular container inside. I picked it up.

'I forgot to give this to him. Better give it to him before going home' I thought and continued putting the unnecessary stuff inside my locker. I grabbed my guitar and closed then locked the locker. I zipped up my bag and started looking for the brunet.


Roman's POV

"Okay, that's perfect. Hang more of these on the other buildings, I'll handle the rest of it on this building, and then tomorrow we'll be hanging some of it on the nearby stores. Andrea, don't forget to tell the first-years to print out the flyers, okay?," I instructed. They all nodded before leaving with the other posters. I took a good look at the poster that we just hanged up on the bulletin board and smiled.

'Can't wait to make those children smile, again' I thought before leaving, carrying a few more posters around my arm.

I got to the third-floor and hang another poster on the bulletin board using the thumb tacks I have inside my pocket. After hanging it up, I started walking through the halls to get to the other bulletin board right across the hall. As soon as I reached it, I positioned the poster on it then placed the thumb tacks. I was about to go to the next-floor when I heard a voice.

"Finally found you," I turned around, making me blush at the sight. It was Virgil and he was smiling. The soft smile was so rare to me that it made me blush. Why was he smiling like that to me?!

"Uh hey. I- uh- Skull told me... to uh.. give this.. to you," I was too absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't notice he was already a few meters away from me. I blinked a few times before looking to his hands where there was a slightly large circular container. I reluctantly took it.

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