Chapter 31

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'The aim of art

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'The aim of art

is not to

represent the

outward appearance

of things,

but their

inward significance.'

- Aristotle

. . .

The silence in the van was thick and tense. Afraid that should anyone say anything, JJ, who seemed to be walking on a fine edge of rage, would just lose his shit entirely. But that silence allowed for Barry's words to ring in their heads. More importantly, the words he'd said about Riptide.

      Killer girl, he'd called her.

      Kie dragged her eyes away from JJ and looked at the girl sat in the back of the van. She hadn't dragged her gaze from the carpeted floor of the van, and though she wasn't lifting her gaze, Kie knew that there would be turmoil in her eyes.

      "What . . ." Sarah fractured the silence, looking to John B, "what did Barry mean about what he said about Rip?"

      The words didn't even seem to register with the brunette. Wherever she was in her mind, she was in too deep. Too far from reality.

      John B looked over at his girlfriend, a look of fleeting concern etched into his face. "I don't know."

      "Did you hear what he called her?" Pope asked quietly and troubled.

      "Everyone heard what he called her, Pope." Kie replied, curtly.

      He frowned over at her but said no more.

      Sarah looked between the friends that had become her own. "Do you think there's any merit behind it?"

      "Don't fucking say anythin' like that again." A voice growled with a dangerous tone that hadn't been heard before. Everyone looked at JJ and his white knuckled grip on the wheel. Tension corded through his shoulders as he jerked the wheel around turns none too calmly.

      Kie had to wonder, how long would it be before he completely went off the deep end?

      John B frowned at his friend, not liking the tone he was taking.

      "We could just ask her." Sarah suggested, seemingly not perturbed by JJ's tone though her eyes would flicker over to the driver's seat every now and then.

      Before anyone could tell her to leave Rip alone, Sarah had reached out a hand.

      JJ exclaimed in protest, catching her movement in the rear view mirror, but as Sarah's hand came into contact with Rip's skin, Riptide jerked back with such a force a bang resonated throughout the van.

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