Chapter 11

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'You cannot escape the 

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'You cannot escape the 

responsibility of tomorrow 

by evading it today.'

- Abraham Lincoln

. . .

Sharp aching pain was the first thing Rip felt as she came around. Letting out a groan, she curled in on herself as if it could make it all go away.

"Rip? Where does it hurt?"

She felt a hand try to gently press down on her shoulder to roll her back onto her back.

"Get off." She mumbled distractedly, shrugging the hand away. Vaguely she could feel her face aching as well and she recalled Topper's fist meeting her face. Or was it David's? She couldn't remember. The night was a blur of John B and Topper fighting, her throwing herself at Topper and then things started to get a bit foggy after that.

"No, Rip, you gotta let me look." The voice persisted, the hands on her again pressing her back.

"No, I'm fine. Get off." Rip grumbled, swatting the hands away before the sudden movement sent a sharp pain through her torso.

She heard a scoff and someone mumbling under their breath. "Like hell you are."

Rip forced her eyes open, to see JJ looking down at her, an irritated frown on his face.

"Can you stop being stubborn and let me look at you. Topper got you good, you need to be looked at."

Another Rip might have complied. Another Rip wouldn't have had a big purple mess of a bruise painting her stomach that she had to hide from her friends. But alas she wasn't another Rip. So she was going to be as stubborn as she needed to be to keep JJ from finding the bruises. "No. And if you think Topper can throw a punch then you need your eyesight checked. Puny ass Kook. I'm fine it's just a bruise."

JJ rolled his eyes, his patience clearly wearing thin. "If it's just a bruise then let me look."

He went to tug her shirt and she slapped his hands away scowling.

"Seriously JJ, I'm not some girl you can just get naked. Back off."

"You're hurt, I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't need your help!"

She saw the hurt that flashed through his eyes like lightning but she pushed away the niggling guilt that tried to edge its way in. If she had to be a bitch to stop him from seeing the bruises then that was what she'd be. It was better for the both of them that he stayed in the dark about this.

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