Chapter 19

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'It's hard to forget about the

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'It's hard to forget about the

past in your mind when your

heart still remembers 

everything it went through.'

- Unknown

. . .

Rip could feel her nerves eating at her.

Ever since they'd set out on Heyward's borrowed boat to try and locate the wreckage of the Merchant, Rip's nerves began chipping away at her resolve as OBX got smaller and smaller and smaller. They were headed out to the open ocean. The deep vast expanse of blue stretching all around them and Rip couldn't seem to unlatch her fingers from the side of the boat.

JJ was manning the wheel, so that should have brought her some semblance of comfort but it didn't. At least, not as much as it should have. JJ was experienced; he knew what he was doing. But that didn't take away from the fact that this was her first time out on the open ocean since California.

It also didn't help that JJ had made it an effort to completely ignore her ever since she'd shown up at the Chateaux that morning. She'd been lucky to have caught them before they'd set off, she recalled Pope and JJ talking about finding the wreckage today when they were doing the runs the previous day.

"Hey you okay, Rip?" Kie asked, looking over at her with some concern.

She gave her a weak smile, trying to settle the churning of her stomach. "Oh yeah, I'm just brilliant."

Kie gave her a look telling her to spit her out and she toyed with the words in her mouth. She'd managed to keep the story of her nickname a secret for a good long while, despite people's efforts to ask. If they were on solid land she wouldn't have had to tell them. But they were out on the open ocean and she felt as lost as a single fish in the sea with no idea which direction to swim in. Not only that but if they were hunting a lost treasure together then she could yield something about her past.

"There's a story behind why I'm called Riptide instead of my actual name." She felt rather than saw Pope and John B's attention slide to her and she knew that even though he was ignoring her for whatever reason, JJ was listening too.

"So I'm originally from Cali and one night when I was twelve I got into with my parents." Rip swallowed though her mouth was as dry as sandpaper.

"You're from Cali?" Pope asked in a tone of disbelief. "Cali as in California?" At her nod he tilted his head in a regarding way. "So you are a Kook."

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