Chapter 8

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'Being a mother is

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'Being a mother is

learning about

strengths you didn't

know you had, and

dealing with fears you

didn't know existed.'

- Linda Wootan

. . .

Rip felt a presence approach her. She knew who it was before they were mere feet away from her.

JJ swung his legs over the side of the Pogue and sat down beside her with an exaggerated sigh. She didn't have it in her to acknowledge him. She just wanted to simmer in her anger for a while longer.

"I don't think I've seen you lose your nut like that since Rafe, thought for sure you were gonna deck John B like you did with Rafe." JJ stared down at his feet through the water.

Rip let out a sigh of her own. "I wanted to, if only to knock some sense in him. It's stupid to surf during a storm."

JJ cocked an eyebrow at her. "He knows what he's doing, we all do. I've tried surfing a surge before. It's not that bad."

Rip frowned at him, if JJ thought he was helping her by talking about this he wasn't. "A storm doesn't care how much you know, doesn't care how talented you are, they will still convince the ocean to claim you. Storms might as well have been created to remind cocky surfer boys that they don't rule the water."

"You turning into some quack philosopher on me, now?"

There was a twitch at the corner of her mouth, as if she was fighting back a smile.

JJ analysed the side of her face. She didn't move to look at him, only continued to stare down into the water below their feet. Something must've happened in her life involving a storm. JJ thought that the most likely theory was that she lost a relative to the sea. If that was the case then as much as he hated to admit it, he could understand. The ocean had always been a safe haven for him but if he'd lost someone he loved to it, he could see how his view could potentially change.

She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by John B breaching the surface of the water.

"Oh my God. That took forever." Kie pointed out, leaning over the side of the Pogue.

"Any dead bodies?" Pope asked, his tone laced with excitement.

"Looting potential?" JJ asked, jumping up from his place beside Rip and began pulling the anchor up.

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