Chapter 10

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'There is 

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'There is 

some good 

in this

world, and it's 


fighting for.'

- J. R. R. Tolkein

. . .

Rip passed Noah one of the toy bricks, bouncing her knee up and down.

She hated hospitals. Always had. When she was a kid they'd always felt too restricting, too closed in. With all the injuries she used to have she was a frequent visitor but for an active kid like Rip, sitting still was nothing short of torture. Then as she grew older, she began to despise them for a different reason.

Either way Rip was on edge, and Finn and Gloria had been gone for a while. Noah seemed oblivious, playing with the blocks and kids toys in the waiting area to take his mind off Finn. Gloria had taken Finn to get his stitches, in fact as soon as they arrived the nurses all but swarmed her. Rip had been slightly surprised that she was so popular. She knew that Gloria had spent her entire career in this hospital but she just didn't strike Rip as such a people person.

"Rip, Baby girl." Gloria's voice came from the doorway. Finn let go of her hand and immediately ran over to, climbing in her lap. Relief flushed through her and she gave him a squeeze. Pulling from the hug, Finn showed her the bandage that had been wrapped around his arm just in case the stitches were to tear.

"You were a brave boy, weren't you?" Rip smiled, lightly taking Finn's arm between her fingers. Finn nodded as Gloria came closer.

"That he was and I think that's deservin' of an ice cream. Don't you?" Gloria smiled.

At the mention of ice cream, Noah pushed his tower of blocks over and jumped over to them. "Yeah, ice cream!"

Rip let out a laugh and nodded. "Sure, I think we can get some ice cream today."

Turns out that going for ice cream was a terrible idea. The ice cream tasted great of course, they had to thank their lucky stars that the parlour had a backup generator to save the ice cream. No, the ice cream was great. But the docks were swarming with people, the coastguard pulling someone off a boat on a gurney. Unease creeped up Rip's spine. It was the first time in a long time that she and her brothers had been out together in public. Usually if her brothers were to end up visiting the big wide world it would be with Gloria, on the rare occasion that she left the house.

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