Chapter 14

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'The memories we make with

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'The memories we make with

our family is everything.'

- Candace Cameron Bure

. . .

Once it had been established that no one recognised the boat, things started to move quickly.

Rip shrugged off the scuba gear whilst John B and JJ lunged to pull the anchor up, whilst Pope jumped to get the boat started.

Rip grabbed the bag she'd dragged up from the wreck and stuffed it into the cargo hold. "Come on guys. Hurry up."

"Don't wait for us. Go. Go." JJ said, dragging the anchor up as fast as he could.

"I don't like the look of this." John B mumbled to Pope as he swung around to the wheel.

"Maybe they're fishing?" Pope questioned weakly.

"Now is not the time for debate, guys, get moving." Rip snapped, the bad feeling in her stomach telling her that the guys heading straight for them were definitely not going to ask about fish.

"Go into the marsh." Pope directed John B.

Rip kept her eyes trained on the guys as they started following them.


"Okay they're following us!" The panic beginning to rise up in Kie's voice.

"Gun it!" JJ ordered John B.

But despite the fact that John B had heeded his words, the two guys in the other boat had sped up as well. Then Rip saw the guy that wasn't manning the boat pull something out and her eyes went wide.


"I'm going as fast as I can!" John B snapped.

"No, gun! Real, live, bullets containing gun!"

A shot rang out that had everyone ducking down.

"Holy shit!" Kie screamed, covering her head with her hands.

"John B get down!" JJ shouted, trying to pull him down. He ducked slightly, not wanting to obscure his vision from navigating the marsh but he was still in the line of sight of the gunner.

Several more shots were fired and Rip came to the firm conclusion that she was not going to die, that she was going to make it back home to Noah and Finn. Crouching low, she told Pope to move before looking over at Kie. "Kie help me."

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