Chapter 17

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'Be fearless

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'Be fearless. Stand up for the truth. Stand

up for yourself and for others. Be fearless.

Your soul is invincible.'

- Peeta Chandran

. . .

"Okay, you guys take these out to Figure Eight." Heyward ordered, passing them several bags. "Get straight back here when you're done. No fishin'. Rip keep 'em inline. I promised delivery by this afternoon."

Rip flashed a smile at the man as she set some bags on the table in the centre of the boat. "Don't worry, Heyward. I got 'em."

"Rich folks don't wanna wait for you lazy sons of . . . oh, thank you, JJ." He said mockingly when the blond had his hands held out ready to take the rest of the bags. Rip hid her chuckle behind her hand.

It wasn't long before they'd set off and were making their way through Figure Eight, but after so much hopping on and off the boat, doing the runs they were finally headed to their last few stops.

"It doesn't even look like the storm hit there." Pope grumbled sourly, as he glanced over at the ridiculously large houses on the banks. Sure enough there was no damage to be seen. Not even an uprooted tree. Everything looked as it always did, as if it had just been built yesterday.

JJ followed his gaze between the flips of the knife in his hand. Rip found her eyes every so often straying to the movement every so often as the sun bounced off the metal of the blade. "That's because they get generators, bro. Get used to it."

"And then they say the power will be out all summer at the Cut. It's bullshit." Rip added, not hiding the resentment in her voice. It wasn't as though she was annoyed for herself because Rip had an uncanny ability of adapting to any situation presented to her but it was for the others that were most affected by it. The people along the Cut worked themselves to the one to bring food home for their families. It wasn't fair.

"It's nice to be a Kook." Pope exhaled a breath, turning his eyes back on to the water.

"Lucky bastards."

"Oh hey, this our last stop." Rip pointed out, jumping up from her position against the wall to grab a couple of bags and a pack of Stella Artois beer.

Pope brought the boat to a stop as JJ moored it to the docks and Rip passed JJ a couple of bags. "You know where you're going?"

"Yes ma'am." JJ mock saluted, making Rip scrunch up her nose. She was a lot of things but a ma'am was definitely not one of them.

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