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Quinn crossed her arms as she glanced at the boy that saved Jason. The heart rate monitor next to him was beeping at a steady rate, the boy lying in a hospital bed with bandages over his wounds.

"Is he stable?" Dick asked as he walked in the room, the man joining Dawn, Quinn, and Kory.

"For the moment." Dawn answered. "Whatever they shot him with left something behind. Some sort of toxin."

"Maybe we should take him to a hospital." Dick spoke as he glanced between the three women in front of him.

"No, we can't, he's got special abilities." Quinn responded, Kory nodding at her words.

"Yeah, I think he's safest here." Dawn agreed.

"Okay." Dick nodded.

"And I think you should call Bruce." Dawn added as she glanced at Dick. "He catalogues these things. He might know who he is."

"Dick?" Quinn frowned, as Dick didn't respond straight away. Dick glanced at her as the woman caught his attention.

"I'll call Bruce." Dick spoke simply.

"Good. You check on Jason?" Dawn asked with raised eyebrows.

"I checked on him earlier. He says he's okay, but I'm not so sure." Quinn spoke as she caught the group's attention.

"I'll talk to him." Dick responded as Quinn nodded.

"He said he'll be in the training room." Quinn added as Dick nodded, the man walking out of the room and beginning to walk towards the training room.

"What's with the Houdini act?" Hank asked as Dick walked in the room, approaching Hank, Dawn, Donna, and Quinn, who were all eating dinner.

"What?" Dick frowned as he placed his jacket on a chair.

"Out there with Deathstroke." Hank clarified. "You disappeared and left us in the dark."

"You go off by yourself with nobody to trade." Dawn added as she glanced at Dick. "No backup."

"I mean, Quinn was there..." Donna added as she gestured to Quinn, who was standing next to her.

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