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Quinn, Dick, and Kory all got out of Dick's car, their gazes shifting to the convent that was still smoking from the explosion.

There were various police cars and ambulances at the scene, paramedics comforting the traumatised nuns.

Dick showed his badge to a policeman, the officer allowing the three to pass.

"She must've lost control." Dick started with a frown.

Kory glanced between Dick and Quinn. "Maybe she's still here."

"Sister Catherine." Quinn spoke after a moment, approaching the nun, who was sitting at the back of an ambulance, a blanket wrapped around her tightly.

"Quinn, wait." Dick sighed as he followed after her, Kory following.

"Where's Rachel? Is she okay?" Quinn asked immediately, squatting down so she was eye level with the nun.

"She left. Ran." The nun breathed, still in complete shock as she clutched a wooden cross tightly.

"What happened?" Quinn asked a bit too directly, Sister Catherine frowning as she was taken aback by the tone of Quinn's voice.

Dick frowned as he placed his hand on Quinn's shoulder, the man speaking quietly. "Hey, easy."

Dick's hand went back to his side as Quinn glanced at him briefly, the woman standing up, stepping back a little and crossing her arms.

"We just wanted to keep her here." Sister Catherine spoke shakily as she teared up, gripping Kory's hand. "Keep her safe, that's all. Where no one could hurt her and she couldn't hurt anyone."

The nun stood up, glancing at Kory as she continued. "There's no stopping it now."

"Stopping what?" Dick frowned.

Sister Catherine just repeated the same five words as the paramedic gently guided her into the ambulance.

"Why did you leave her here?" Kory started angrily as the three walked away from the ambulance.

"In a convent full of nuns?" Dick turned to face Kory as he spoke sarcastically. "Yeah, seemed real dangerous."

"How were we supposed to know she'd blow half the building up?" Quinn added with a frown as she glanced at Kory.

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