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"How did you know she could do that?" Kory started, glaring at Doctor Adamson.

"I know everything about her." The doctor responded. "She will purify the world."

"I'm getting tired of you already." Quinn slightly narrowed her eyes at the man. Something told her that this man was trouble. She knew it was a banshee feeling, and her banshee feelings are usually correct.

"There's a prophecy that says Rachel will destroy the world." Kory spoke, directing her words to Adamson.

"An interpretation based on fear." The doctor spoke calmly, Dick growing frustrated at him.

He grabbed Adamson's collar and pulled him towards the door, the doctor's face smudged against the glass. "What do you want with Rachel?"

"She will purify the world." Adamson responded, the man groaning as Dick slammed him against the glass again.

"I'm not gonna ask you again." Dick glared at the man.

"I'd answer him if I were you." Quinn added from her position next to Kory, the two leaning against the wall.

"To reunite her with her father." Adamson grunted.

Dick frowned as he shared glances with Kory and Quinn, the man glaring at Adamson again as he continued. "Who is he? Where is he?"

"I don't know. I swear." Adamson panted as Dick grabbed his collar tighter. "You can't stop him. Angela couldn't. Melissa couldn't. No one can keep Rachel from him."

"Who's Angela?" Quinn frowned.

Adamson grunted again, Quinn pushing off the wall and approaching Dick and Adamson.

"You said she couldn't keep Rachel from him." Quinn spoke as she glared at Adamson. "So I'm going to ask again, and this time you'll answer. Who is Angela?"

Dick grabbed Adamson's collar tighter, the doctor groaning in pain. "Answer her question."

"Her mother." Adamson grunted, Kory, Quinn, and Dick frowning. "Angela is her mother."

"Now we're getting somewhere." Kory spoke from her position.

"Let's talk about Angela, shall we?" Quinn raised her eyebrows.

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