the end- 32

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Nolan's pov

"What are you all doing here?"Asked Tyler as I smirked.

"Nothing, just want to have a friendly chat" I  said as I took a seat, following by the rest of them.

Yvette's pov

"Nothing, just want to have a friendly chat" Nolan said as he sat down as the rest of them did. This dude was really getting on my nerves.

Nevertheless, I stayed calm, knowing the potion. "So anyways, how's life?" I could feel the sarcasm from Killian's voice as he asked.

"Good" Banner answered, short and sweet while Hannah laughed, "Nice place, must be nice huh"

"Anyways, can I get some drinks? Don't you know how to serve your guests" Hannah mocked as I signaled the servants to grab eighteen glasses of water.

I knew what was happening next but I wonder how they would do it. We would all be here and it would be tough but I'm sure they have plans up their sleeves.

"Thanks for the water" Grace said. "A tour would be nice. Don't you think so?" She asked her siblings and friends as they nodded.

"No" I just said directly and they were shocked. Definitely didn't expect that at all.

"Then can you at least show us to the toilet" Grace proposed as I knew what was going on.

"Sure" I said as I brought them to the toilet while everyone was everywhere. Everyone apart from Nolan was in the toilet 'peeing' while the rest were around them as they said they would 'get lost in such a big and grand place'. The rest were gone so I could peek what Nolan was doing.

While they were 'peeing', I took this time to slip back into the room to catch him red handed. There, I was right. He started adding the potion drop by drop into my water. After that, he left.

What if we switch our drink with his? Sherrie asked. It was great idea and would be hilarious. And so, I did it.

I then went back and pretended to wait for Hannah. When she stepped out, she had a smirk plastered on her face but I wanted to smirk back her. However, the plan would backfire on them. I sniggered at the thought of it. Wanna play, I play harder?

When we reached, I sat down normally, pretending not to know what was going on. I hadn't tell them but they knew I wasn't drinking the one with the potion. But to make sure, I sniffed it and made sure nothing was in it before I drank.

Thankfully, they didn't notice I had changed it since it would then backfire on us. They had puzzled looks on their faces, seeing how normal I acted. I couldn't help but laugh to myself as Nolan placed the cup to his mouth and drank from it.

Nolan then had a burst of energy and I acted innocent so I wouldn't expose my plans.

"Omg I love you so much" Nolan exclaimed with joy as he hugged himself, attempting to kiss himself.

They looked bewildered at their friend in love with himself. I could tell their gears were turning as I smirked towards them. The squad was trying their best not to laugh but clearly they were failing.

"Where's the mirror!!!" Nolan suddenly shouted as he dashed out of the room and into a bathroom, admiring himself.

"What the-" Killian said as he looked at me, seeing me smirk. "Stupid b*tch! What the f*ck did you do!?" He exclaimed.

"Guards! Put them in the dungeon!" Tyler said as they struggled against the guards strong arms.

"What the heck was that?" Jace asked no one in particular,  causing us to chuckle.

"I glad it's over, wanna have some fun?" Hazel jumped up and we nodded.

We could deal with Nolan tomorrow.

Third person's pov

They were all having the time of their lives. They were all still teenagers/young adults and they acted as if they were adults so going to the carnival and an amusement park mixed was the best for them.

Each couple had separated with the group, all in their own worlds. The babies, don't worry, were with their parents.

It was something really weird as they got all the parents together and all got well with one another, helping with the kids.

Their parents knew they worked their asses of from all the battles they faced.

Tyler and Yvette were at the ring toss game and managed to get a stuffed whale and a pink cat for Hailey.

Hugo and Hazel found themselves on a bench eating tasty food, some candy floss and turkey legs. Feeding each other as they admired the view.

Next were the siblings, Jace and Jade. At first they were together as two couples but they slowly disappeared from one another. Jade and Greg was at a diner munching on some fries and burgers while Jace and Faith were at some gift shops, buying a toy for their kiddo.

Banner and Isabelle were now queuing for a roller coaster ride and they were both excited. Both loved the thrill and adrenaline they felt when riding a roller coaster.

Lastly, Evan and Danielle were watching a performance and they loved it. It was amazing and the best part about it was that it was in 3D.

At last, all good things come to an end as they all went back home to tender to their little babies. Tomorrow they were planning to do something to Nolan and friends but they would ultimately decide tomorrow.


They were now standing in front of the cells and decided to do the same thing they did to Heather and Jack. Everything was done and told in the cell. Nolan and friends had no choice in this matter.

They had managed to inform the elders yesterday about Dark Light pack as they would be removing the pack from the list of packs and would be combining with Royal Moon pack.

It was now night time and they were happy everything was over. It was a tough year with everything that happened and was glad it was finally over. No more Heeler, no more Nolan, nothing and could live peacefully.

hey angels!! this is the last chapter before the epilogue!! holy cheese! it has been a great time writing this story and I'm grateful for all your support. ❤️
lots of love and have a great day 🤩

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